Chapter 20 - The Creepiest I Can Do

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Cortney's P.O.V

The guys finished their set. They were amazing. Brenna was singing along to all the songs and me and Stacy ended up dancing. Best night ever!

Us three waited outside, whiles the guys collected there stuff and sorted out the money. Brenna was talking with Stacy about the show.

"It was awesome. Mick said about the band, but I had no idea they were that good!" Stacy smiled.

"Hopefully, they'll make it big." Brenna smiled.

"They better!" Stacy laughed.

I was bored of waiting, so I randomly did a backbend. (A/N - Like Lyn-Z Way. Just go with it)

"What the fuck is that!?" Brenna laughed.

I stood up straight and sent her a text.

Cortney: A random backbend!

Brenna showed Stacy and they laughed.

"How far back can you go?" Stacy asked.

I bent back again, holding the back of my right leg for balance.

"WOW!" Both girls smiled.

I smiled and looked back and saw an upside down Corey, looking creeped out. I got up and turned to him.

"Well that was... creepy." He said, finding a word to fit what I just did.

I smiled and shrugged. He came over, giving me a hug as the guys all joined us.

"Enjoy the show?" Corey asked.

I nodded and kissed him.

He smiled and let me go.

"So, we heading back now?" Paul asked.

"Yeah, mum has no idea I'm here." Brenna said with a guilty smile.

"As usual." Paul chuckled.

Brenna laughed and looked at me.

"Please, do the creepy backbend one more time." She begged.

"What backbend?" Clown asked, looking at me.

I smiled and stepped aside, for the all to see.

I leaned back, placing my hand on the back of my right leg, for balance and heard the guys creep out.

"WOW! What the hell?" Chris asked.

"How are you dong that?" Paul asked, looking at me.

"Please stop!" Sid laughed.

I laughed and got up right. Brenna and Stacy high-5ed and we all parted ways.


Me and Corey were sat in his car, outside my house.

"Good night." He smiled.

I leaned over and kissed him again. The time we've been together have been the best days ever.

"I love you." He whispered.

I smiled and was about to grab the door handle, when Corey grabbed my hand.

"Please say it back." He smiled, sweetly.

I sighed and gave him my puppy look, but we won by pulling his.

"... I love you too." I said quietly.

"I didn't quite hear that." He said, tilting his head a bit.

I hit his arm, jokingly, and climbed out the car.

I walked up my drive, as Corey drove onto his.

I leaned on the door frame and Corey leaned on his car.

"I LOVE YOU!" He shouted.

I gave him my 'Shut up' face, making him laugh.

"I LOVE YOU, COUTNEY SIXX!" He shouted louder.

I just shook my head and waved, walking in my house.

"I think he loves you." Someone said from the sofa.

I flicked the light on and saw my dad. Thank god!

I just shrugged and tried to go upstairs.

"Courtney, we need to talk." He said.

I turned around, hung my jacket on the banister and sat on the sofa with him. I nodded for him to speak.

"Corey's parents came round before and told us-" Dad was cut shout, by loud banging on the door.

I got up and opened up.

"Cortney, you know I love you so god damn much, but my parents are fucking making us move house. Apparently I'll be closer to Chris!" Corey said, letting himself in.

I looked at dad and he nodded, walking upstairs.

"I'm sorry." Corey frowned.

Chris lived on the other side of town. I wont be able to see Corey as often!

I sat down and sighed, deeply.

Corey sat with me and hugged my side.

"I love you. It's not like, I'll be gone forever." Corey sighed.

I sent him a text.

Cortney: I know, but Chris is on the other side of town. I wont see you as often, what am I supposed to do in the day!?

Corey looked at his phone and sighed. "I don't know..." He sighed.

I frowned.

"Couldn't I just live here with you?" Corey suddenly asked.

I looked at him and thought about it. Why not? My parents love Corey.

I shrugged and text Corey again.

Cortney: I'll ask my mum in the morning. We should just get some sleep for now.

Corey read the message and nodded. "But I don't wanna leave you." He smiled.

I took his hand and lead him up to my room, so we could sleep together.

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