Chapter 4 - Lesson Four, Five, Detention.

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Cortney's P.O.V

I sat next to Brenna at the round picnic table outside. It was lunch now, Clown's plan failed on us and him and Corey got detention, whiles I got myself a warning, since I was the newbie.
The plan was to throw something, Corey's pen, at this cheerleader called Erin. The pen hit her head and she was throwing a fit about it, so the teacher, Mr Gates paid attention to her. We would of simply sneaked out, but it back fired, when Erin blamed the pen throwing on me. Yes, somehow I now have a bully... I never even noticed her! I have no idea who she is! She just picked on me. Corey was pissed when he heard Erin say my name, so the reason he and Clown got detention was because Corey got in her face, shouting at her, and Clown was in between them, telling Corey to calm down. I got the warning because I stomped on Corey's foot, which got him to shut up.

Anyway, only me, Clown, Brenna, Paul and Corey were out. We think the others were in detention or getting lectures.
"Ow." Corey mumbled, about his foot.
"Shut up. Cortney did the right thing. When you get mad it is hell to calm you down." Brenna said, with Paul nodding.
"Paul, you're my best friend. You're supposed to be on my side!" Corey joked, slapping his arm playfully.
Paul chuckled. "Lovers before brothers." He smiled, making Brenna sit up in pride.
I liked that. How they all stuck together no matter what the situation was.
Joey walked out the doors, with Chris on his left, and they walked over to the picnic area. Joey sat next to me and sighed. I rubbed his back and he held up an after school detention slip.
"We have practice!" Clown argued.
I looked at Clown as to say 'Leave the guy alone.'
"I know! It wasn't even my fault. I got tripped up and the water, for a science project, went all over the teacher." Joey sighed, lifting his head up.
"Why were you late, Chris?" Paul asked, turning his attention from Joey to Chris.
"Waiting for him. She even blamed us lot for the one stupidest thing." Chris replied, rubbing an apple on his shirt, to make it shine. Paul just shook his head and drunk his Cola.
I gave Joey a pouty face and he smiled a bit. Soon enough the others all joined us, saying they all had an after school as well.
"OK, guys! Since me, Brenna and Cortney are the only people who didn't get after school, then we'll practice tomorrow on the condition that Cortney stays with us." Paul spoke to the table, tuning to look at me.
"Fair enough. Cortney?" Corey asked, smiling.
I had no other friends, so what the hell? I nodded and the guys cheered.
"Welcome to the family." Chris smiled at me, passing me his apple, letting me have it.

. . .

~Lesson 4~

I was sat next to Corey in Spanish. He was complaining to me, about how he couldn't speak Spanish and everything about it confused him.
"I can speak some Spanish, but not because I have to, but because I want to." He smirked, making me laugh.
We were sat in the back, but there was a table in-between us and Clown. The two girls in front of us were Erin and her friend Carla. They were laughing at Corey, but Corey wasn't paying attention to them.

"Acéptame como soy." Corey smiled, going all dramatic. Accept me as I am.
"Todo el mundo sepa que cometo errors!" He said, with a hand on his heart. All the world knows I make mistakes.
Erin was laughing so hard and Corey rolled his eyes at her.
"Déjala. Ella no tiene la vida." He spoke, putting his feet up on the desk. Let her. She does not have a life.
I laughed.  I understood Spanish, since my aunt and uncle lived in Spain.
Corey laughed with me and Erin turned around. "Hey, Corey. Wanna come to a party on Friday?" She asked.
"No. I got plans, with my new sister here." Corey lied.
I'll admit it hurt when he called me his sister, but I have just met the guy... It would just be super weird if I asked him out right now.
Erin looked at me disgusted. "Her?" She asked, giving me a look up and down.
"Yes - Her. She has a name, so if you would be so nice, use it." Corey said, unamused at her.
Erin rolled her eyes and turned back to her work.
I gave Corey a 'Thank you' smile and he winked. Why was my stomach doing a butterfly mosh pit?

. . .

~Lesson 5~

I had R.E for my last lesson. I sat alone in the back, since it was a seating plan.  Corey was in the middle of the class with Clown next to him and to my surprise Chris and Craig were in this class, but they sat in front of Corey and Clown. Huh, all the 'C's sitting together.
I just got on with the work, minding my own business when a paper plane landed on my table. I looked around and saw Corey looking back at me, with Chris and Clown talking, and Craig doing the work, leaving Corey out.
I opened the paper and read what he wrote.

Here's my number again, since you're apart of the group now. I saw it smudged on your hand...

I smiled at him and he winked. I placed the note in my bag, which was on the chair next to me, and continued my work, until the bell rang. Since PE, the number he wrote on my hand had smudged, which he pointed out in Spanish, accusing me, playfully, of purposely wiping it off.
I gathered my stuff together, placing my books in my black messenger bag, as Corey came over.
"Our detention is in this class, but go to reception. Paul and Brenna will be waiting." He smiled. "You remember how to get there?"
I nodded and he gave me a hug. Random, but I didn't want to let go.
We spilt apart and I waved bye to the others. They waved back and I left for reception.

. . .

Corey's P.O.V

I hugged Cortney and I felt strange. I felt like this when I call her my sister in Spanish. Hell, I like her. I admit. I just don't want to scare her off... Oh well. I'll see her tomorrow.
"Taylor, take a seat. Your friends will be joining you soon." Mr Armstrong said.
I nodded and sat back next to Clown.
"Worlds most fucked up teacher. Think the rumour of his mistress are true?" I mumbled, making the guys laugh.
Soon enough Joey, Sid, Jim and Mick joined us.
Good luck, Mr Armstrong, but you can't tell us lot what to say or do.

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