Chapter 11 - The Fear In Me

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Cortney's P.O.V - Monday

"See ya." Corey smiled, kissing my cheek. He walked me to homeroom, even though to get to mine you have to pass his.
I smiled and let his hand go, as I walked into class. Bell hadn't gone yet, but Joey was already in his seat. When he saw me he stood up and started clapping. I stared at him, to tell him to stop, but he kept going until I sat down.
"Welcome home!" He smiled, sitting down. I went as far as moving seats in some classes. 'Home' was in the back with him and Brenna.

I flagged him off and Brenna ran in crying, but she was happy...
"You alright, B?" Joey asked her, turning to face us, giving her his full attention.
"Yes! The funniest thing ever just happened!" She smiled, wiping her eyes, once she was seated on my right.
"What!?" Joey chuckled, seeing it was nothing to worry about.
Still laughing, "Erin opened her... locker and Clown's mask... was in it... she jumped back and... slapped Mr May!" She told us, motioning the slap with her right hand.
Me and Joey started laughing and the bell finally rang. Karma, bitch!

We talked for the fifteen minutes, about everything and anything, before bell rang again, for lesson one.

~ Skipping to Lesson 2 ~

"I heard Erin has after school detention for the whole week." Paul smiled, as I took my seat.
I shrugged, with a smile, kicking my bag under the table.
"You and Corey..." He started. "It was gonna happen. You two were crazy for each other. How you couldn't see it was beyond me!" Paul smirked, leaning back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest.
I looked at him and smiled.
"He's a good guy. My best friend, but if he hurts you, by any chance, let me know. I'll teach him how to treat a girl right." Paul joked, but promised.
I nodded and received a text from Corey.

"I miss you!" It read, with a sad face.
"It's nearly break... I'm with you all day after that!" I replied, glancing up at the teacher, making sure he didn't catch me texting.
"I want to be with you now!" Corey responded.
No point in lying. "... SAME!!!"
"I love you." He sent after a minute went by.
"I love you too!" I replied, putting my phone away.

I slid my phone in my pocket and saw Paul shaking his head, smirking, at me. I shrugged and we finished the lesson.

Once the bell rang, me and Paul walked out the class and Corey was stood outside waiting. It was odd, as he was supposed to be on the other side of the building, and bell had only just rung.
"Finally!" He smiled, opening his arm out for me, as he saw us.
"Didn't you just have Science?" Paul asked him, as we started walking.
"I sneaked out and came here. You were the same when you and Brenna got together!" Corey took my hand in his. "All 'Brenna this' and 'Brenna that'. 'She's amazing, Corey'..." Corey teased him, mocking his voice.
I rolled my eyes and walked outside, as they laughed, heading to the tree, holding his hand.

I noticed a new girl hanging around. She had dark hair and black painted finger nails. Almost a female Joey.
"Cortney, this is Lindsey. Joey's girlfriend." Corey smiled, introducing us, as we were the last to arrive.
I waved to her, smiling, and she smiled back.
"Hey." She said.
"Cortney hates her voice. You wont get a word out of her. We haven't." Joey said, sat under the tree with Chris, Clown, Sid and Brenna. Paul sat down, next to Brenna, so me and Corey joined him.

"Why do you hate your voice?" Lindsey asked, turning to face me.
"Want paper?" Chris offered, his notebook already out and ready to go, as it seemed he was doodling in it.
I nodded and he ripped a page out and gave me a pen along with it.
I wrote, "Ever since I was a kid I hated talking. I have always just hated the sound of my voice. I was silent for three months, until my mum asked what was wrong. I told her and hearing my voice just scared me. She understood, knowing I was shy anyway, so I have just always stayed silent."
I gave Lindsey the page and she read over it, nodding in understanding.
"Wow." She said, Joey took the page, once she was done, and read over it with Chris and Sid.
"Has anyone heard your voice?" Lindsey asked, looking around at the guys and Brenna.
I pointed at Corey who pulled a face, making me smile and poke his cheek.

Lindsey nodded and I got to know her through break.
She was quite nice, but I didn't click with her like I did with Brenna. I know she's the girl that ended Corey and Joey's fight, and I was thankful for that, as Joey is a great friend, but as nice as she was, I couldn't see her sticking around for that long. She wasn't that 'in' with the group conversation.
I mean, I don't speak verbally, but I join in, in my own way. Like when Sid asked who had just nicked his phone, and I pointed at Clown, so Sid would go after him, when really it was Paul. We all got a kick out if it, but Lindsey didn't really seem interested.
She was nice, though! Don't get me wrong.

. . .

"So, we have practice tomorrow. You coming with?" Corey whispered, as we sat in English.
I gave a nod, taking notes from the teachers whiteboard, more for Corey, then myself. He didn't listen in this class.
I noticed that Erin caught sight of us together, and a note was being passed around the class.
It was a while before it got to us, but it read 'Cortney Sixx is a slut for the D'.
I glared at it, wishing it could burn, as Clown ripped it up and placed it to the side, so he could bin it when class was over.

Corey responded well to it, by saying "Yeah, only for my dick!", when the teacher left the class for a short minute.
The class went quiet and Erin glared at us, ready to answer back, when the teacher walked back in and called her out for not doing her work.
'Ooooh! Karma, Karma!'

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