Your Eyes Sing Dispair

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Jamie's POV

I hadn't really seen Ashley for months and now only a few days after getting home, he wanted to go to a party with the guys, didn't they ever get tired of each other?

"C'mon babe" he pleaded and grabbed my hand while pouting at me.

"Okay, but I want a night just for the two of us soon" I responded with a laugh as he lid up in a smile and pressed his lips against mine.

"Babe" I gasped in the kiss as it developed into a make out session, "we have to get ready if you want to go" I continued as we broke apart, he looked at me with hungry eyes but in the end nodded and crawled off me after pecking my lips quickly.

In a hurry, we changed and did our makeup before we got into Ashes car and drove off towards Andy's place where we should meet up, from what I'd understood, it was just a small house party with the guys and their girls, meaning that it would be CC, Lauren, Jinxx, Sammi, Jake, Ella, Andy, Ashley and me there, I didn't really see how it could be important but beat me, Ash wanted to go so of cause we should go.

We were the last ones there and even Max and Shane were at Andy's as well, after hugging everybody hello, we barely managed to sit down before the doorbell rang.

"That must be the last ones" Andy mumbled, looking really nervous all of a sudden as he went to open the door, I couldn't really figure out who was supposed to be at the door, I mean even Max and Shane was here, who else needed to come? Maybe Andy had found a girl, it would be good for him, he needed to get over Alex soon, I mean, she was in Denmark somewhere, probably living her life, getting an education and being with a special someone, she obviously moved on since we lost all contact all of a sudden. I missed her though, she was the first person to accept the real me, even after how I'd treated her.

Some mumbling sounded from the hallway before I heard the door shut and Andy soon after appeared again, followed by three girls, one with white hair and almost black eyes who was squeezing the one with black hair and brown eyes hand, they both looked rather nervous, yet really excited. The last one with black hair with a blue highlight in it and pale green eyes looked a bit uncomfortable and I couldn't help but feel like I'd seen her before.

"Yay! You made it." CC laughed and smiled at the familiar girl.

"Just barely, I hate flying but it was a nice trip" she responded with a smile.

"Gah, I've missed you even tho I last saw you about a week ago!" Max screeched and nearly attacked the girl, pulling her into a hug.

I looked at Sammi, Ella and Lauren whom all sent confused gazes between each other, still trying to figure out who the three girls were.

"Max! I can't... Breathe!" The girl gasped and he let go of her again.

"Sorry" he laughed.

"It's okay" she laughed back.

"Sooo, this is Emmy and Sophie" Andy said, breaking the awkward atmosphere and pointing at the two girls standing near him and still looking nervous, "and you already know Lex" he said after that, pointing at the familiar girl.

Lex?! As in Alex?As in THAT Alex? When did this happen? I looked at her and clearly recognizes her now, oh my!

"Alex? Gah, why didn't you say it was you?" I laughed and left Ashes site, pulling Alex into a hug, she chuckled nervous at me.

"Sorry" she laughed as I let go of her and she soon after was tackled by the always energetic Sammi, Ella and Lauren who also hugged her with huge smiles.

I looked around myself for a second before walking over to the two other girls with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Jamie" I introduced myself.

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