I Will Live Again

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Well, I planned to upload this yesterday but then I started watching Sherlock... I saw all episodes without any long breaks in between and lay awake till five am reding Johnlock... My life will never be the same again, omfg ._. c:

But yeah, sorry for the wait, I feel like my chapters get worse and worse since I don't really know where to end the story but yeah... I guess it'll come to an end soon, no matter how sad that might be D:

End of my weird Auther Note, and if you haven't seen Sherlock, then I highly recommend it! 

See ya! 


Alex's POV


"Hey honey, how are you?" My mom waved at me over Skype, Andy was at some work again and I was about to tell my mom that we were engaged. No one knew yet, except for Andy's parents since he'd told them right away. And we'd tell the guys at one point but I just found it so awkward so I'd probably let Andy talk and just sit there, trying to hide myself.

"Alex? Did you hear me?" Mom asked again.

"Oh yeah, sorry mom, just spaced out there for a second" I laughed awkwardly and pushed some hair out of my face, trying to get all of it up in the messy bun the rest of it was in.

"I was just asking how you were honey" mom laughed back at me.

"I'm truly feeling fantastic, mom, and I've been feeling even more amazing since Monday evening" I mumbled, feeling a blush creep over my cheeks as I looked down at my hands, admiring the old ring now sitting there on my left ring finger.

"Alexandra Sophie Collin, is that a ring?" Mom gasped, clearly starting to understand.

I blushed an even deeper red and held my hand up for her to see the ring, she studied it as much as possible over Skype, with a huge smile and bouncing happily in her chair... She looked like a teenage-girl in the middle of fangirling.

All of a sudden she turned around in the chair calling my dad's name trough the house, it was rare for him to be awake at this point, I guess I was lucky today.

"Hello my girl! How are you?" Dad smiled, looking weirdly at my mom who still looked like a fangirl.

I'm great dad, what about you?"

"Good as always honey"

"Alex, tell him!" My mom demanded excitedly and clapped her hands together.

"Mom!" She simply laughed as I clearly could see my dad getting curious about the situation.

"C'mon, tell your father" she was horrible! Gosh! Was it weird that I suddenly became really nervous? Cause I've always been my daddy's little girl and I don't even know.

Okay Alex, mom already knows, just tell him.

"Daddy... I'm engaged" I hadn't really said that out loud yet but it made me smile widely and look down at my hands again.

"My baby girl is not a baby anymore" it abounded like dads voice but not entirely, I got an explanation as I looked up at my screen and found my dad crying, not like sad crying but happy crying.

"You don't have to cry dad!" I whined, mom laughed again and kissed my dad's cheek.

My parents had a happy marriage, I wanted one like that.

"We love you so much honey" I smiled at my mom, wanting to hug them while wanting to cry cause I wasn't able to hug them.

We kept talking for like half an hour or so, mom and dad asking about all kind of weird stuff and they also made me describe when Andy proposed, laughing loudly about it happening in Disneyland.

Let's Start Over {Sequel to I'm Slowly Drowning}Where stories live. Discover now