Words Are Weapons

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So new chappy yayyyy!

I planned on opdating this story a lot more over the weekend... but I was at my mom's boyfriends house and I forgot the charger for my iPod at home D; (This chap, the next chap AND half of the chap after was on my iPod) 

I don't know how I survived but I did... Yayyy!

Anyways, I'll let you read now ^^ Hope you like that chapter Aaaaaand I know I don't say this often, and thats cause I feel so bad when I say it, but plss Comment, Vote, Add to read etc, it really make me write more and it just simple make me really happy <3

I love ALL of you! Yayy! 

Gotta go now o.o 




 Alex's POV

I woke up with Andy's arms wrapped around my waist as he was spooning me, he was snoring quietly and I couldn't help but giggle. I remember it getting a bit... Yeah the evening before, I don't think I ever managed to finish making the dinner actually. I also remembered agreeing to move in with him, I wonder how Emmy and Sophie would react upon that.

I laughed at Andy's growl when my Alarm went off shortly after, I had to get up for work. Andy tightened his grip around my waist though and kissed my neck, mumbling that he would never let go of me again.

"Andyyyy! I have to go to work" I whined and tried to struggle out of his arms with a laugh.

"But I don't wanna let you go" he said, probably pouting and trying to make himself look like some irresistible kid... He was irresistible but whatever.

"Andyyyy" I whined again and he let go of me with a sigh, sticking his tongue out at me when I crawled out from under the covers, not bothering to take any clothes on before I went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After showering quickly, I pulled on some underwear and a pair of black skinnies together with one if my favourite MCR shirts. I blow dried my hair and pulled it up in a ponytail before quickly doing my eyeliner and leaving the bathroom again.

"I'll go to my place after work and start to figure out what to do with my things" I told Andy as I got into the bedroom, he was sitting cross legged on the bed only in his batman boxers and probably checking Twitter.

"Okay, if you call after work, I'll come and help you" he responded and I nodded, leaning over the bed and pecking his lips quickly, but as I was about to pull away, he grabbed my arm and crashed our lips together again, hugging me into him with a laugh.

"You're in a great mood today huh?" I laughed and Andy nodded, kissing my forehead before letting go of me again.

"Have a great day at work, babe" I called after me as I ran into the hallway to get my shoes. I was late now.

"I will! Talk to you later, I Love you!" I called back just managing to hear Andy calling back that he love me too before I shut the door behind myself and ran to my car.

I quickly made my way to work, running inside just a few minutes before I was supposed to be there. I quickly changed into the work uniform and hurried to the desk where some kid stood.

"Hello, what would you like?" I asked him with a smile, he was adorable, around five maybe. The held out some money and pointed at the tee bun, I smiled at him again and let him buy for the bun before I gave it to him.

Let's Start Over {Sequel to I'm Slowly Drowning}Where stories live. Discover now