A Baby Boy You've Held So Tightly, This Pain It Visits Almost Nightly

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Warning on this chapter cause if you have a bad day, then I'd recoment you to read it aqnother day, it's both poorly written and since I've been down about my exams and such, it's reflicted in this chap... yay ._.


Alex's POV

It had been the plans to go sightseeing with my parents but since I was stuck at home, we ended up just having a rather event less week. Andy had no work so he was home all the time and our friend visited often.

The first day where my band visited while my parents were here was the funnies though, and I actually managed to take part in most of the things happening.

I was feeling great, honestly. Andy didn't seem like he believed me though, but I felt amazing.

The day they visited tho, Andy was out grocery shopping with my mom, leaving my dad and me home alone.

I remember the doorbell ringing, my dad going out to open and soon after Max's far too loud and high pitched voice asking 'who the hell the old man were'.

"Hey Peter!" Sophie's voice sounded.

"Hey girls, how are you?" My dad.

"We're doing great, I didn't know that you visited, is Charlotte here too?" Emmy this time.

Honestly they acted like they were old friends of my parents.

"Yeah, she's out shopping. Come in lads" dad laughed.

Not soon after, I was basically attacked by a group of idiots.

Of cause I had seen all of them after waking up but this was the first time we were gathered as our band again.

"Piiiineapple! I've missed you" Max sang and rested his head on my shoulder, nuzzling his head into my hair that had grown out again since I cut it last.

"Who's the man btw?" He whispered, it seemed he was the only one too stupid to figure out that it was my dad, Shane already had introduced himself to him and Sophie and Emmy already knew him. Max wasn't the smartest person I knew.

"You're really that stupid?" I laughed, Max shrugged, "it's my dad you idiot"

"Oooooh" I laughed at him as he blushed and crawled to Shane's side, hiding his face in his hair for fun.

That was a good day, Andy and my mom got home not long after and we saw a few movies and just had fun. This me not being able to stand up, they insisted that we played a few songs for my parents, which we did even though we didn't have any drums in the house so Sophie was just hitting the beat on the table while listening too.

My dream didn't return, or actually it did but it was never the same twice and I hadn't been laughing in my sleep since the first day with my parents here. I managed to hide the dreams most of the nights but Andy found out a few times since I'd been moving to the point where I'd waken him up and he would have to try and wake me up. I just kept saying that I didn't remember them, though; there was nearly nothing standing clearer in my mind than the ghost of the baby I killed.

Christmas rolled around soon and I'd talked my mom into buying my presents for me. Andy's parents would visit and my parents would still be here, so it would just be the six of us. This was the first Christmas in three years where the guys were at home Christmas evening.

Christmas turned out to be a great day, I didn't really put anything into it but apparently Andy's parents did so it was great, it was also the first time where I tried having Christmas like they do nearly everywhere except from Denmark... We're weird.

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