You Kissed The Lips Of The Evil

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Alex's POV

"Babe? We have to meet up with the others today, don't we? I think it's actually Jake's birthday!" Andy half laughed, half yelled while shaking me to wake me up... Andy? What? Last night wasn't a dream? We were together again? Gosh, I didn't think that would happen outside of my dreams...

I opened my eyes slowly, blinking a few times, to find myself staring directly into those blue crystals, as Andy was kinda hovering over me.

"Morning" I laughed and lifter my head, capturing his lips with mine before he got another chance to talk, I didn't care right now, I wanted to enjoy the feeling of being with the man I love.

Andy chuckled and smiled trough the kiss, responding quickly and taking control, pressing me down on the bed and deepening the kiss.

Andy gave me a cheeky smile as we broke apart again and quickly pecked my lips twice before pulling back entirely.

"C'mon Princess, we're late" he laughed as I sat up and rested my head on his shoulder, letting out a tired sigh. I'm not a morning person.

"Can't we just cuddle all day, Lion? We can celebrate Jacob tomorrow" I mumbled with another over dramatic sigh as Andy padded me on the head, messing with my hair so that it probably was even worse than before.

"Nope, c'mon, it's around noon now and we have to be at Jake and Ella's place in an hour and a half." He told me and I let out a sigh again.

"Fiiiiine, but you owe me an entire day of cuddling and sleeping" I whined and Andy laughed at me, grabbing my hand and pulling me out if his bed.

I took a shower and borrowed some of his makeup and hair-products, not that he used much of it anymore but he still had a lot. Pulling on my black skinnies, a black tank top and borrowing Andy's cut up batman-top that hang just as loose on my body as his before I pulled on lots of bracelets like I usually wore, now since I'd moved to LA, my BVB bracelets found their way back again and last I put on the necklace Max had given me back then, the one with a pineapple, and the Disney earrings Andy gave me.

"You're finished?" Andy asked 75 minutes later, standing in the living room, dressed in one of the bands own t-shirts, of cause without the sleeves since they were cut off, some if his skinnies, boots and a leatherjacket.

"Jup, I'm ready" I laughed and grabbed his hand, like we'd have done a week ago, holding hands, but back then I wasn't aware of it when we held hands, now I was.

"Great, then we should get going cause we're probably already arriving too late" Andy laughed and we left his apartment jumping into his car quickly and drove off.

We arrived ten minutes late caused by the traffics but as we finally got there, we got out of the car and as soon as we met in front of it, Andy grabbed my hand and entangled our fingers again, as we walked to the door, greeted by Max who ripped open the door before we got a chance to knock.

"Finally!" He laughed and stepped aside so we could step in, I'd never been at Jake's place before today and I always felt awkward visiting new places so that was great or something.

"We'd have been here earlier if Lex here wanted to wake up" Andy laughed back lifting our entangled hands to point weirdly at me.

"It's not my fault!" I whined and Andy stuck his tongue out at me while Max just laughed, disappearing somewhere, probably to tell the others that we'd arrived.

After getting our jackets off, Andy showed me trough the hallway and to a living room where everybody else were and lots of people I didn't know, we walked over to the guys who stood together, talking with Max, Emmy and Sophie.

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