Got Something To Live For

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Alex's POV

I needed ice cream and I needed it now. Andy had a concert today and I'd been working in the studio for a month now, we also released our first single a few days before and so far, people loved it.

I roamed through the freezer until I found what I was craving; ice cream. Not bothering to put it on a plate since there was less than one third of it left; I just grabbed a spoon and sat down on the couch, eating my ice cream.

I'd been home for the last two days since I was ill, Andy didn't want to leave me alone meanwhile but I forbid him to stay home since they had work to do.

Luckily we'd managed to record all vocals before I fell ill so the work was nearly done now.

After eating my ice cream, I decided to try and check if my mom was only on Skype and she was, I quickly typed a hi to her, getting a hi back as I asked if I could call, which she agreed to.

"Hi mom" I laughed, feeling mysteriously happy at the moment as the picture of my mom appeared, while I turned my own camera on, exposing me in my sweatpants and a tank-top with my hair pulled back in a messy bun.

"Honey! Look who've found time to talk to us" my mom yelled out with a laugh, soon after making my dad appear on the computer screen.

"Hi mom, hi dad" I said and waved awkwardly at my computer, "how are you doing?"

"We're good Hun, we can't wait to come in two months" my mom said.

"What about you Alex?" My dad asked and I shrugged.

"I'm sick, I've been so for a few days now, but our album is more or less ready and the single we came out with a few days ago is loved beyond what I'd imagined and I'm happy" I said.

"That's good honey, just remember to eat healthy etc" dad laughed and I nodded, he soon after disappeared again since he had lots of work before they could come here.

"What did you eat today if you're ill?" Mom asked me with concern.

"Today? Only ice cream but I've like been craving food the last few days, I'm hungry all the time" I laughed, which was really unlike me, being hungry, also this weird mood I was in, together with the sickness, especially in the mornings...

"Honey, do you know what you've caught?" My mom sounded weird; mysterious, all of a sudden.

"No, do you think it's something dangerous?" I asked confused by the subject.

"Alex to me, this sound like morning illness" she said. Oh no, it would make so much sense but... I wasn't ready to be pregnant, everything was working out now, right?

"Alexandra, come back to reality, and don't cry honey, it'll be okay" so snapped me out of the waterfall of thoughts I'd been drowning in.

"But mom, what if...? It actually fits together but I'm not ready to be pregnant, I'm finally doing something with my career" I sobbed now, I wasn't even sure, maybe I wasn't pregnant, and maybe it was just regular illness...

"Listen to me Hun, you'll get it checked and if its pregnancy, then you'll talk with Andy and you'll agree on what to do, remember we will always love you no matter what it is and you're a strong person, you can do this." I nodded slowly, still crying for some reason; this weird mood I was in, it didn't make any sense.

"Call one of your friends, Alex, and figure it out as soon as possible or it'll just haunt you, I'll have to run but tell me when you know something" I nodded again, smiling at my mom before I hung up and grabbed my phone, I needed one of the girls here but Emmy couldn't keep secrets from Sophie and Sophie couldn't shut up at all, Sammi was on tour, I think Ella and Jake for that matter was visiting her family in England and Lauren had told me that she had a lot to do about work for the next few weeks.

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