I Said "Then I Lost It All"

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... Sorry, I've had exams D: 

Anywho... you're gonna hate me o.o 


Andy's POV

We had a short break for some reason and I don't know, I felt like something was wrong and even though I'd just been talking with Lex less than half an hour ago, I couldn't help myself as I walked outside, lighting a cigarette and pulling out my phone, easily calling Lex since she was the last contact I'd been in touch with. She didn't pick up though, which worried me even more, she always picked up unless she had work...

I was just about to try and call her again as my own phone started ringing, first I lid up in a smile, thinking that it was Lex, but instead it was a private number, I usually doesn't pick up private or unknown numbers but this time I did and I'd never regret doing so.

"Hello?" I answered the call questioning.

"Hello, am I speaking to an Andrew Dennis Biersack?" A male voice responded, my stomach tied in knots. Something was wrong, this man sounded far too serious and I was still worried about Lex not picking up her phone and I had this... Wrong feeling.

"Yes, that's me, how can I help you?" I asked, hiding the insecure in my voice.

"I believe that you live with Alexandra Sophie Collin?" I felt my heart stop for a second while my stomach tied into bigger knots. I felt short on breath and kept clenching and unclean hung the hand free hand I had my cigarette in before but I'd let that drop to the ground and I stumped it out quickly.

Something was wrong, something was really wrong.

"Yes, Lex is my girlfriend, have anything happened to her? I'd she okay?" I asked worriedly trying to keep myself from imagining what might've happened to her.

"I'm afraid not sir, Alexandra was in a car crash about 15 minutes ago..." I didn't hear more than that, my legs felt sore and soon they collapsed beneath me, making me hit the cold, dirty ground beneath me. This couldn't happen, no, Lex had to be fine, she... I loved her.

"How is she?" I managed to stutter out, running my free hand trough my hair, trying to get my mind under control.

"She's in acute surgery but as it looks in the moment, she's stable." I let out a relieved sigh and jumped up from the ground, suddenly I couldn't get inside quick enough.

"Can I see her? Or where is she? I need to be there" I started the search for my jacket since I'd displaced it somewhere, soon giving up on it while the man told me which hospital she were in.

"I'm afraid that you can't see her yet but the doctor has to talk with you about some important thing so yes, it would be appreciated if you got here as soon as possible." I didn't really take a notice in what he told me before I agreed and hung up, running into the room where the rest of the guys were, I also found my jacket there and grabbed it quickly.

"Man, why the rush?" Jinxx asked, looking slightly concerned, which made sense since I most likely looked like someone who'd just seen death or anything like that.

"I don't have the time to explain, you must finish the interview without me" I responded, short on breath.

I'd gained the others interest too and just as I was about to leave, Ashley opened his big mouth.

"What the fuck happened that would make the Andy Biersack leave an interview?" He laughed.

"No time. Lex. Car crash." Somehow that made them shut their mouths and I ran after that, finding my car quickly and unlocking it, jumping into the driver’s seat and turning the key without even taking the time to put on my seatbelt.

Let's Start Over {Sequel to I'm Slowly Drowning}Where stories live. Discover now