So I'm Not Giving Up

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Alex's POV

"I've more or less finished packing, what about you?" I looked up at Andy from my spot on the floor as he was sitting on the edge of our bed with his phone out, probably on twitter or something.

"Mhmm" I could feel that something was clouding his mind, or bothering him in some way but I didn't know what or why. I got up and walked to him, grabbing his phone and tossing it at the bed behind him before I sat down in his lab and wrapped my legs around his waist, pressing my lips softly to his nose.

"Now, Lion, what's bothering you?"

"It's stupid" he muttered, I ran my hands trough his hair and looked him in the eyes.

"Can't be that stupid" he chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I guess not, it's just somewhat bothering me that we'll spend most of the summer together but we won't be on the same bus" I couldn't keep myself from laughing at him, I rested my forehead to his,

"But that doesn't matter, we'll still be together more or less all the time we have off, think about your band mates instead, none of them have their girls with them all the time"

"I told you it was stupid" he chuckled, "it's just, I've been thinking about all these things, like when we should come out about the engagement and thus." I sighed and pressed my lips softly to his for a brief second before pulling back.

"Andy, I'm ready to let people know about that if you are, but I'm not ready to go and get married yet." I looked away for a few seconds before returning my attention to the beautiful creature in front of me.

"I can't really explain it, but I've never imagined myself get married, I hadn't even imagined myself being engaged, the idea of a marriage, it've just never really caught my interest. I know that sound really weird and it's not cause I don't want to marry you, Lion, oh, quite the opposite actually, I really want to marry you, I want to make you see that I want to be with you forever and I want it to be registered but... I'm not ready to dress up and so on, I feel like a wedding is like a show, showing ones partner to the world like it’s a trophy and I don't really like that idea. A partner isn't a trophy but something indescribable and beautiful, and there's no need for a lot of people to see it cause it's only a matter between the two. I know how weird it sound but it's not me saying that I'll never want a 'proper' wedding but for now, I find an engagement more than enough, cause love isn't a ring and it isn't a bit wedding, love is... Love is us, Lion, and I love you so much."

Andy smiled and pecked my lips quickly.

"We don't have to go and get married, not now, maybe not ever, but I want the world to know just how much I love you, even though it wouldn't be possible for them to understand. We don't have to make a huge deal about it, just letting people know like it's something that've always been this way and then when time comes, we will do what we decide by then." I couldn't stop a wide smile from spreading across my face.

"I love you, Lion, and I'll do so forever" Andy chuckled at me and ran his hands up my sides.

"I love you too, Princess, so damn much"

Our lips met again and we fell back on the bed with a laugh.

This wasn't an end; this was a beginning, a future that I'd never expected to come upon me. Tomorrow they'd kick off Warped and from there on, everything would start to change. We had a tour coming just after Warped and so did Andy, but it was nothing that we couldn't survive. I wouldn't even start to try and explain everything that was happening in my life, this was more exciting than I'd never experienced.

Four years ago, I'd been the depressed Danish girl with no future and I'd honestly never expected it to change from that but then I met Andy and the rest of Black Veil Brides, I met Max and Jamie and I befriended them all eventually, they changed my life and as I 'lost' them, I couldn't have met greater people then Emmy and Sophie, those two was exactly what I needed to keep me going. I'd learned so much and I'd changed to the better, I was stronger, I'd actually managed to become something and I was proud of what I'd become.

I'd become a symbol for those who needed it and I'd become a musician like I'd always wanted to, and there was only one way from here and that was up and forward. And if that wasn't enough then I also had Andy by my side, my parents, and everyone who meant something to me.

This was just a beginning and Warped was the first step.

Now the game really starts.


*Sobbing uncontrollable* 

This isn't the end! Or it is, but not completely... I'll post a short (and when I say short, I mean even shorter than this chapter) epilouge and then we can break down crying together D: 

I think I'll wait a few days before posting it though but until then, I want to thank all the lovely people who have been reading this and I love you all! 

Thanks! <3

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