I Dried Your Tears, Of Pain, Babe

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Andy's POV

Ella placed a cup of coffee in front of me and sipped to her own, I was the only one still there, everyone else had their cars so they drove, but since I gave Lex mine the evening before I needed Jake to drive me. I'd slept at their house but almost everyone slept here so yeah.

"Gosh my head hurt" I mumbled and sipped to my coffee, "I should have takes with Lex home yesterday" I said to myself, getting a weird look from Ella.

"But you aren't dating are you?" Ella asked me.

"We are dating..." I told her and she looked weirdly down at the table.

"Really? I didn't think that since..." She trailed off, since what? I gave her a confused look but she didn't look at me.

"Since what?" I asked after a while.

"Ehm, yesterday, someone talked about her kissing with someone else, I didn't really hear all of it but they talked about 'the girl with the black and blue hair kissing him, just because he's drunk'. I don't even know if it was her or who the he was" Ella told me.

"No, Lex wouldn't..." I stopped there, she'd been crying yesterday and all of a sudden, she'd decided to go home, maybe? No. I trust her, it couldn't have been her.

"Gosh! I shouldn't have told you that" Ella exclaimed and looked up at me, probably trying to read my mind. "I'm so sorry, Andy, she should've told you herself if it really happened, I'm such an idiot" she said. I shook my head and smiled at her, hiding my doubt and acting like nothing had been said.

"That's okay, Ella, done is done" I said and drank some more of my coffee.

Around there, Jake saves us from the awkward silence and atmosphere by walking in and kissing Ella softly.

"I'm ready to drive you now if it is" he informed me, they talked about going shopping so they'd just throw me off at Lex's place where I could get my car.

"Okay, I'll call Lex then" I smiled and pulled out my phone, leaving their kitchen to be alone while calling her.

"Hey Lion" she said with a small yawn as she picked up, instantly erasing all doubt from my mind and making me smile without really thinking about it.

"Hey Princess, Jake is giving me a ride to your place in a few so I could get my car, but I just remembered that your car is at my place so-" she cut me off with a small laugh.

"I'll be ready in fifteen minutes." She said and I smiled again, even though she wasn't able to see it, she always made me smile.

"K, babe, see you soon" I laughed, listening to her laughing back into the phone.

"Sure, love you" she said.

"Love you too" I told her and hung up. You shouldn't doubt Andy, it's only a misunderstanding. I told myself and took a deep breath before walking into the kitchen again, waiting for Ella and Jake to get ready.

Alex's POV

Gosh, I hope I didn't sound too guilty on the phone, I felt really guilty though and even a bet nauseous.

I quickly changed and fifteen minutes later, I stood outside with Andy's shirt in my hand as a black car pulled up close to me before Andy got out, thanked Ella and Jake and shut the door after himself. I waved at them and got a wave back before they drove off and Andy walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Hi" he laughed and bends in, as he pressed his lips quickly against mine before pulling back again with a cheeky laugh.

"Well hello to you too" I laughed back and wrapped my arms around his waist, tiptoeing and pecking his lips quickly again before we broke entirely and he grabbed my hand again.

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