chapter 22

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~1 day later~

Leader/Cole's POV
The meeting with my new secrutary had not gone well at all.He had literally been ready to kill General but he probably would have injured me if my two trusted soliders were not there.My solidiers were looking panicked and i felt thet were hiding something,but it was none of my business.Oh no!I am thinking good again.
Anyway the new guy's name was Armagon and i told him he would be treated well and be sergeant and also act like my secratary.He was quite glad and decided not to chop my hand off.However now i have to go find him as he ran off and discuss the plan of attack."Ow,sorry.I didn't see you."I said and found i bumped into Armagon.He scowled at me and said "well hurry up i haven't got all day."I realised that his eyes were a dark blue and his mouth was mostly in a permanent scowl.If i wasn't observant i would have never known it had been that poor green ninja if he didn't have the same blonde hair."Come on,it is Leader to you,we have important things to discuss about the attack in a few days."The day before the orange moon was the time to attack as the wolves wanted to reach Ninjago city when the moon was at its peak to take over.Only 5 days left.

Jay's POV
Kai is being really annoying.Making weird jokes and they don't even make sense.I just want to take his head and smash...
I gasp and even Kai turns around.I was becoming Kai.Oh no!This is really bad."Kai,I am turning into you.Worst luck it would have been better if I was becoming Sensei Wu.At least.."I paused as Kai was getting angry."Just be quiet for once in your life Jay!Stop worrying about yourself and think about how lucky we are not to be lost or evil or kidnapped!Or dead..."he whisperes the last part and turned and ran towards a river.I followed and when i saw the river i jumped."Is it not August?"Kai asked.Wow!Real smart question."No.what do you think?It is burning out here"I said facing away from this river.He shook my shoulder and i turned and stared.In front of me was a river flowing towards a lake.But the lake was a murky brown and was solid ice.

Kai's POV
"Elsa's been here"Jay whispered walking onto the ice.I followed but slipped into my face.Jay laughed and skated across to the other end and disappermared behind a clump of trees."Jay!I really which you weren't so sparky!"I shouted.Urgh!Silly Jay jokes,i walked around the outside.

Zane's POV
My hearing was off so i could not hear anything.I just watched as the wolves struggled in the ice and though about how the ice was brown.Minutes later i realised something was shaking me from behind and flipped over and turned my hearing on."Zane,your here!"the blue ninja cried from behind a tree.The red ninja was on the floor."I apoligise for any inconvinience.I thought you may have been an enemy,Kai"i said helping him up."Ow!Thanks for the help,Icicle"he squeaked,brushing of the mud.That was not Kai."Yeah it is a long story which we don't have time for"the real Kai said,coming towards me taking of his mask.I gave him a puzzled look,"we have precisely 1 hour and 36 minutes"I said.They both burst out laughing and i reached for my mute switch.

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