Chapter 2

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Roxy's pov:

Wake up Roxy, wake up!

I opened my eyes, and blinked a few times due to the light. I tried to move my arms and legs, but I couldn't.

I was chained down to a bed, in a very large room. The room was black, and red, and the bed was super soft.

Where am I? Then I remembered everything from last night.

The bodies, the blood, everything that happened last night. But..Hailey and Carter..are they still alive?

I looked around the room, everything was neat and organized. I saw that the wall was made differently in one spot, maybe thats the exit.

I thought I heard a door opening, so I pretended I was asleep. I heard footsteps and a door closing.

Who is that?! I heard the person walking in the room.

I felt someone get on top of me, their legs straddling my waist. What the heck, who is this?!?!

And without thinking I opened my eyes. There was a man on top of me, I don't like this at all.

He looked young, late teens maybe. His hair was smooth and combed and went up in a flip. He had a pretty straight looking jaw line. His lips were light pink and were free of any cracks. And he had dark bluish gray eyes that were staring right back at me.

He smiled at me. "It's finally nice to meet you Roxana." He says.

How the heck does he know my name? "Who are you and how do you know my name?!" I asked loudly.

"I know everything about you Roxana." He tells me.

He knows everything about me, who is this freak?

"I should introduce myself,my name is Quinton." He says while smiling at me.

I already hate his smiles. I tried to pull on the chains, but that was not working. Quinton grabbed my arms. "Stop doing that Roxana." He demands.

I stopped. He honestly scared me when he did that. Hailey, Carter, what happened to them?

Quinton better not have hurt them. "Where is Hailey and Carter?" I ask.

His facial expression changed from normal to mad. "The girl is fine, but do not ask me about that boy." He growled.

I saw him calming down. "If you want to see the girl, that is fine." He says.

I just nodded. I don't need to make him angry anytime soon. I'm still thinking about those people at the party. What were those guys?

"What were those things that attacked everyone at the party?" I asked him.

Quinton closed his eyes and his mouth, and a few seconds later opened them.

What I saw scared me. His eyes were completely red, and his teeth were razor sharp. This didn't make any sense, vampires aren't supposed to exist.

I saw his eyes and his teeth turn back to normal. I can't believe vampires actually exist.

He placed his hand on my chest, I really hate this. "You would be surprised at how happy I am right now." He says cheerfully.

I do not care about how happy you are you psycho!! "W..why are you happy?" I ask anxiously.

He taps me on my chest. "Cause I finally have you." He replies.

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