Chapter 11

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Riker's pov-

Our plan is about to be put into action.

You better hope this works, cause if it doesn't you guys are all fucking screwed.

Don't worry Ricky, I'm pretty sure it will work.

We reach the message room and I see my mom talking to a holographic Quinton. I can do this.

I walk over and Quinton turns his attention towards me.

"If it isn't little Rik-"

"Cut the crap Quinton, what do you want?" I say very rudely.

"Angry are we? No need to be rude Riker." He tells me.

I roll my eyes and my mother sighs.

"Well, my son is here now, tell us why you called." Mom says softly.

"Just to see if any of you have seen someone I have been looking for."

Mom raises her eyebrow.

"What exactly do you mean?"

"Have you seen any teenagers lately?"

There goes your plan dude.

"I think I know what you are talking about. In fact I did see three teenagers earlier today." I tell him.

His eyes widened.

"Where are they?!" He says loudly.

"Well..six feet under I hope." I reply nonchalantly.

His whole face froze with surprise.

"W..what do m..mean." He said nervously.

"When I saw them, they were in a spike pit. It was super grues-"

He yelled in frustration and turned off the message call. Wow..he didn't take that too well.

Good fucking job bro!! You fucking did it!!

"I guess those teenagers must have been important to him. Sad they all died" I lied through my teeth.

"True, but I know Quinton wanted them for a whole different reason." Mom says before walking out of the message room.

You have no idea mom. I sigh in relief and start walking out of the message room. Once I reach the door, I hear the message call come back on.

I turn around and see a very pissed off Quinton. I walk back over and put my hands in my pocket.

"You forgot something."

"I know something is up boy!" He snarls at me.

Oh Shit!!

"What do you mean by all of that dude?"

"If all of this actually happened, describe the teenagers to me." He demands.

"Uh..okay your rudeness. I think the dude had blonde hair, the girl had dark brown, and the other chic had dingy white hair." I tell him.

He runs his hands through his hair and sighs in irritation.

"Why are these guys important to you anyway." I ask.

"Stay out of adult business!" He snaps at me.

Well that was fucking harsh!! You know what, hang up on the modaphucka!!

"Don't get pissed at me!! I asked a simple ass question!!" I retort back.

He sighs and picks up a glass of wine. Well..I hope that is wine.

He is a vamp, it could be wine and fucking blood mixed together!!

I hope not, I can't stand watching vamps slurp down blood.

He puts the glass down on something and looked at me.

"Are you sure that they are dead?" He questions.

"I'm no expert on bodies, but I am pretty sure spikes through the head and heart will kill you." I reply.

He slams his hand down on something and I give him a look.

"Your obviously about to have a temper tantrum and I do not want to see it." I say before ending the message call. I walk out of the message room and I do a quick victory dance.

Matt's plan actually fucking worked!!

I know, I can't believe it either. Quinton calling us was pretty coincidental wasn't it.

Yeah, shit like that always happens.

I walk in my room and everyone stands up in anticipation.

"What happened?" Everyone says at the same time.


Everybody starts to shout and yell in happiness. Roxy comes over and gives me a hug.

"Thank you so much Riker." She says kindly.

"Hey, I'm the one who thought up the plan. I want some credit too." Matt whines.

Everyone starts to laugh and I playfully punch Matt in the shoulder.

"So that means we can all go home now right?" Hailey says.

"I guess so, the plan worked out perfectly." Terra replies sweetly.

"Thank goodness, I missed my family and my bed." Hailey says relieved.

"That's good..but how will we explain what has happened to our family and the police." Roxy asks.

"We will go down that road when we meet it Rox." Hailey replies smoothly.

" how will we get back home?" Roxy added.

"I will get some pack members to take you back home." Riker replied.

All three of the nodded and stood up. I saw Hailey and Carter wince in pain, Carter's seemed worse.

"How bad did you guys get beaten?"

"They kicked Hailey until she went unconscious and I got whipped until I bled." Carter says normally.

Damn..that is pretty intense.

Yeah, vamps are sadistic fuckers.

"Luckily for you guys, we have healing powers." Matt says with a bit of arrogance.

He gets up and puts his hands on Hailey and Carter's shoulder. They glowed for a second and it quickly stopped. He moved away and they had surprised looks on their faces.

"WE FEEL GREAT!!" They yell together. Hailey goes over and hugs Matt. He bends down and kisses her forehead. They are gonna be together for a long time.

"It's all set, time to get you guys home." Terra announces.

I hear a knock at my door and my mom comes in.

"Sweetie could yo-"

She stops when she sees Roxy. She goes over to her and cups her face in her hands.

" really is you." Mom says with much shock in her gentle voice.

What in the actual fuck?!?!

", are you okay?" I ask a little freaked.

"You don't remember me do you?" Mom asks Roxy. I see the tears in her eyes.

" I don't, who are you?" Roxy questions.

"Oh honey..I'm your mother."

I hear more footsteps come into my room and I strong hand on my shoulder. I look up and see a guy with black hair and blue eyes.

"Who are you?!" I blurt out.

"Well kiddo..I'm your father."

Yeah readers that just happened. Wait next time to find out more.

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