Chapter 19

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Roxy's pov-

"You can open your eyes now Roxy." I hear Quinlan say.

I open my eyes and I almost didn't recognize myself. I look so different.

My hair was as white and clean as it could ever be. It went straight down my back and a bit over my left eye. The makeup I had on made me look older than my fifteen-year-old self. The lipstick seemed to make my lips look a little more plump also. And last the dress I was wearing was mesmerizing. It was shaped as a heart at the top with little sleeve. It had a see through layer at the bottom showing some of my legs. There was also dark red streams on the dress too.

"I..I don't look like myself." I say very shocked.

"Did I go a little overboard?" Quinlan asks.

" you did a really great." I say giving her a smile.

She smiles and stands beside me.

"I feel like I'm betraying you Roxy." She says sounding guilty.

"Quinlan, you can't keep blaming yourself for this. It was gonna happen and it has." I say softly.

Quinlan growls and punches the wall. I tense at the sound of the collision. She has done that a lot lately.

"Quinlan..don't waste your anger on me."

She pulls her hand out of the wall getting some debris on her dress.

"I'm not angry...I'm sad because I can't protect you."

She wipes the debris off her dress and sits down on the couch. I sit down beside her and grab her hand.

"I don't want you to be sad because of me."

"I can't help it Roxy, your like the sister I always wished for! I hate what my brother is doing, yet I can't do anything to stop it!" She cries out.

I start rubbing her shoulder for comfort.

A knock at the door makes us both turn our heads. It opens revealing Quiver, Quain, Quinn and Quillan. They were all wearing matching suits, but Quiver's suit had a gold streak on his shoulder.

"Wow..Roxy you look fucking hot!" Quiver blurts out.

Quinlan rolls her eyes at him while he smirks.

"What Quiver meant to say is that you look very beautiful Roxy." Quinn tells me.

"No, I said she was hot."

"Why can't you ever just say appropriate things?!"

Quiver and Quinn were about to get into an argument, until Quinlan stands up and claps her hands.

"Can you guys not argue for one day?" She asks annoyed.

"Fine..but don't think I'm doing it because of you. I'm doing it because it's a really great day for our brother." Quiver replies.

I tensed after he said that. A day I really don't want to happen.

Quain walked over to me and stared at me.

"I will admit this, you did super good with..everything sis." He says while nodding.

"Thanks bro, I just put my hands and mind to work." She replies.

"Well, I think it's time we go see the groom." Quiver announces.

"You guys go on ahead, I still gotta help Roxy." Quinlan tells them.

They all nod and leave. She sighs loudly in annoyance.

"Being the only girl sucks Roxy, that is a life lesson." She said.

I laugh at her and she playfully pushes me.

"Alright, let's get these shoes on your feet." She says grabbing these really nice shoes.

Wow...they have high heels on them. Quinlan bends down to the floor while gently putting the shoes on my feet. She stands up and I am actually face-to-face with her.

"Your actually my height now like being tall."

"I'm tall for my age without the shoes." I whine.

She giggles and there is a knock at the door. I hear deep voices and Quinlan has a sad look.

"'s time for you to get married." She says with much guilt in her voice.

I bite my lip while rubbing my arms. This is the day that my freedom will end.

"Quinlan..thanks for everything you've done for me." I say before walking out of the room.


The doors open revealing the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I see dozens of people standing near benches to my left and right.

I hear the bells starting to play and all the guests take their seats. Quiver and Quain take one of my arms in one of their own and walks me down the aisle. I don't want this. All the guests were staring at me and at Quinton.

He stood at the altar with a huge smirk on his face. I will always hate this man.

"Roxy, snap out of it!" Quiver whispers.

I eye him and he gives me a sheepish grin.

When we get to the altar, they leave and go to the family section. I wish I had my family here to save me.

Quinton reaches over and grabs my hand. I want to jerk it back, but I stop myself. The priest clears his throat and things become quiet.

"We are here to join two very special people in matrimony."

He looks at Quinton, then at me. Quinton grabs the ring and puts it on my finger. It's golden with a rose petal on top.

"The groom shall start his wedding vow."

Quinton clears his throat while giving my hand a squeeze.

"With this ring, I give you my heart, I promise from this day forward, you shall not walk alone, may my heart be your shelter, and my arms be your home."

I heard a few people say 'aww' and 'how sweet.' If only they knew how I felt.

"Now, that the husband has said his vows, he may know kiss the bride."

I'm pretty sure that is not how weddings go.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when Quinton wrapped his arms around me and his lips were on mine. Everyone stood up and clapped.

Quinton stopped kissing me and looked to the crowd with a proud smile on his face.

"Thank you all very much for coming here to see my wedding. I'm happy for your acceptance and thankful for no objections." Quinton announced.

"I object you sick, twisted, perverted son of a bitch!!" I hear a very familiar voice say.

I look down the aisle and see Riker standing there.

"You get one chance Quinton, let her go or you will regret it." He says sounding very serious.

What will Riker do? Hopefully, it gets us both out of here.

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