Chapter 3

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Riker's pov:


I jumped up from my bed. What was that? I got out of my bed, and walked out of my room.

It was kinda hard to see anything with the smoke everywhere.

I saw Matthew appear from the smoke. "That experiment didn't work." He says while trying to fan the smoke away.

Sometimes I wonder if he was dropped as a baby? Most of the smoke was cleared out of here.

I saw Matt come out of the smoke with a smile on his face. "I am alright." He says while taking off his goggles.

One of the dudes from the pack came in, he was breathing heavily.

I walk over to him. "What's wrong with you?" I ask with concern.

He looks at me. "Last night the vampires attacked,my prince." He tells me.

I could feel my jaw tighten a bit, vamps, can't stand those guys.

I walked back in my room and took out some clothes, white shirt, jeans, and blue Converse.

I walked out. "Who and what did the vampires attack?" I ask a little pissed off.

"A bunch of kids at a party, no one survived." He tells me.

I shook my head, damn vampires, but why would they attack a bunch of people at a party?

I told the guy to leave and get the rest of the pack ready in about an hour.

I walked back to my room and went in the bathroom. I turned on the shower and got in.

When I was done I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked into my room.

I dried myself off and put my clothes on. I looked myself in the mirror, I look pretty decent.

Matt appeared beside me. "You think your hot don't you?" He says putting an arm on my shoulder.

I smirked. "I didn't say it, but you did, so yeah."

He moved his arm away from my shoulder. "Lets go find out about that damn attack." He says before turning into his brown wolf form.

I quickly turn into my wolf form and we run out of my room and head towards the meeting room.


We arrived at the meeting, my mom and the rest of the pack were here.

Me and Matthew took our seats and the meeting started. My mom came in, everybody bowed, and a few pack members set up the map.

It showed the house which I assumed is where the vampires attacked.

My mom and a few people started talking, but I zoned out.

I feel really bad for the parents, their kids died at a party.

Someone tapped my shoulder. I looked at Matt. "What do you want!?" I ask in a yell whisper.

He pointed to the door. "C'mon let's bail..this shit is boring." He says.

I heard my mom clear her throat. "Riker your paying attention right?" She says while crossing her arms.

I shrug. "Yes mom, I am paying attention to whatever you guys are talking about." I say.

I hear Matt laugh a little bit beside me.

My mom shakes her head and starts talking to the commander, Lucas. I swear they have something going on.

I sigh, I thought this meeting would be a lot more entertaining.
Roxy's pov:

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