Chapter 18

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Riker's pov-

I slumped back onto the floor and groaned from exhaustion. I can't do this.

Well, at least we fucking tried.

I'll try again when I get a little bit of my strength back.

Forget it dude, we're fucking screwed and there is nothing we can do about it!

Yes there is Ricky, we just need a new and better plan.

Oh really, like what?

Maybe..the bars on the cage are weak and I could possibly break them.

Fine..but do you have any fucking strength left?

I nodded to myself while attempting to stand up. I lean up against the wall smiling to myself.

Okay, but can you get over to the bars?

I grit my teeth and start walking very carefully to the bars. My body feels like lead..but that won't stop me.

I eventually make it to the bars and grab onto two of them. Ricky we are a step closer to our freedom.

I grab the bars and pull them with everything I've got. I start to feel one of the bars loosening. I give them one big pull and they break off. Yes, I did it!

YEAH..wait a minute..what the fuck is that gonna do?

It's gonna do this.

I pick up the bars and start smashing on the chains around my legs and wrists.

That makes fucking sense, smash those chains!!

I keep hitting and hitting trying to break the metal.

C'mon dude, be the first werewolf to conquer fucking metal!!

I nod and continue to smash. I see the chain connecting all the other chains to me starting to break. I can do this!

I keep hitting the silver and eventually it breaks. I feel my body becoming lighter and my strength coming back. I grab the chains on my wrists and ankles and rip them off. I smile to myself while standing up.

"I am the first werewolf to conquer silver!" I announced loudly.

Calm your ass down before someone hears us!! Lets get out this bitch!!

I nod and give the door a swift. It falls to the floor with a clank. I walk out of the cage while looking for any guards. Everything looks pretty clear.

I start walking and I can't help but look inside of some of the cells. I see living and dead people inside of them. I don't feel any wolf vibes from them, so they must be human.

Why the fuck are humans down here?!

I wish I knew..maybe we can set them fr--


Ricky..look at them, they are obviously trapped here against their will.

I see a woman and child in one of them. They look weak and almost dead. They need help Ricky.

Fine..but we aren't gonna save them. Find somebody a little bit younger and maybe healthier.

I start going by the cells looking for someone of that description. I stop in front of a cell. I see a dude with blonde hair facing the wall. His clothes look cleaner than everybody else's. I think he fits your description Ricky.

He seems alright..set his ass free.

I get closer to the cell door to unlock it and the dude turns around. He looks at me with anger and uncertainty.

"I'm gonna help you, so get rid of that look." I whisper.

He gives me a slight nod and I quietly rip the door off. The dude jumps back surprised at my action.

"Y..your one o..of them?!" He blurts out.

"If you mean vamp stay calm, I'm not one of them."

"How would I know that?"

I sighed in annoyance at his question.

"Do you want me to save you or not?" I question.

He sighs and slowly walks out of the cell. I lead him to the big door that leads to the entrance. This should be a piece of cake. I pull my hand back and punch the door. I reached my hand through the hole my fist made and unlocked the door. I walk out into the hall and I hear a small gasp.

I turn around and see the dude giving me a shocked look. What's this guy's problem?

Fucking weirdo, maybe we should have left him.

"Dude, what is up with you?"

He walks closer to me and quickly backs up.

" look just like her." He mumbles.

What the fuck is he talking about?!

"What are you talking man?" I ask.

"Do you know where she is?!"

"Who are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about Roxy!" He says loudly.

After that, everything became super quiet.

"How do you know Roxy?" I ask.

"I could ask you the same question vampire!" He spits.

Didn't I just tell this guy I wasn't I vampire?

"Dude, I already told you I'm not a vampire."

"Then, how the hell could you punch through that wall?"

"I'm a werewolf, that's how."

He took a step back after I said that.

"Aren't werewolves more dangerous than vampires?"

"It depends on how people see us." I reply.

He was gonna say something else, but I put my hand up stopping him.

"Lets not talk about this now. How do you know Roxy?"

He sighs and leans against the wall.

"She is a old friend of mine, after she moved back home to Arizona, we lost contact with each other." He explains.

He used to know Roxy, that's good to know.

"Thanks for telling me that..and I know Roxy because she is my long lost twin sister." I tell him.

His blue eyes widen at what I just said.

"Are you serious?!"

"Yep, I am a hundred percent serious."

He leans up off of the wall.

"Well, that is way to make your day weirder." He says to himself.
"If you say so, c'mon lets get out of here."

He nods and follows me out of the dungeon. I don't even know what this dude's name is.

"What's your name anyway, mine's Riker?"

"It's Chase, cool name you got there." He tells me.

I nod and keep running. Chase..your in for a crazy adventure.

(A/N: Decided that I'm gonna skip ahead to the wedding day guys..see you next chapter)

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