Chapter 14

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Riker's pov-

I stretched my arms and took a breath of relief. It is good to have my body back.

It's good for you...your a fucking dick!!

You can't get mad because I got my body back.

I hope you go fucking blind in your sleep!!

I see somebody is in a bad mood.

Fuck you!! You can go fuck yourself for all I care!!

No thanks, I'm not into masturbating.

"Please tell me it is Riker who I am about talk to." I hear Matt say behind me.

"Don't worry bud it's me." I say turning around.

"That's good, Ricky was a huge pain in the ass!" Matt says loudly.

I laugh a little bit.

"I heard that Roxy is your twin sister, who would have thought that?" He responds sarcastically.

"Yeah, we probably would have figured it out eventually." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Will you think I'm a major asshole if I say this?"

" depends on what you say Matt."

He sighs and puts his hands in his pockets. I'm sure it can't be that bad.

"I don'tlikeHaileyanymoredude." He says quickly.

Please tell me he didn't say what I think he said.

"Repeat that for me."

"I don't like Hailey anymore." He says slower.

Ohhh, that is what he said...WHAT!!

"Matt, you can't be serious!" I blurt out.

He scratches his head and breathes out.

"I..I just don't feel a connection anymore." He says sounding upset.

I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Matthew..she really cares about you, you can't just break up with her." I say.

"I know and I hate that I feel this way. I really wish she was the girl for me, but she's just not." He says truthfully.

"If that is how you feel..then we should just break up." I hear a familiar voice say.

Me and Matt turn around and see a crying Hailey. She shakes her head and runs off. Matt bites his lip and runs after her.

I really hope they can sort things out.

I highly doubt that shit will happen!! Matt broke her fucking heart, she probably wants him dead!!

I hope your wrong about all of that Ricky. I sigh and walk to mom's room. I need to talk to her about all of the craziness.

I knock on her and she says come in. I open her door and she is sitting on the couch, reading a book. She puts the book down and gives me a worried look.

"What's troubling your mind sweetie?"

"I never said anything was wrong mom."

She pats the spot beside her on the couch. I groan and sit beside her.

"Now, what is troubling you?" She repeats.

I sigh and clap my hands together.

"I guess everything that has happened recently. It is just a lot to take in." I tell her.

She holds my hand and squeezes it tight.

"I promise you sweetie things are gonna get more understandable." She says softly.

"I hope so, everything feels so weird right now." I reply.

I was about to say something else, but all I saw was smoke and all I felt was a large vibration. After that, everything went black.


Wake up dumbass!! Get your ass up!!

W..what...Ricky? head.

YES!! Now get your ass up!! I'm pretty sure some bad shit has happened!!

O..okay I got it.

I tried to get up, but I felt something heavy on my back.

I..I can't get hurts.

Listen man, you gotta get up! You're a fucking wolf, you can fucking do this!!

I nod and push myself up. Everything on top of me falls off and lands on the floor beside me. I look around and everything looks catastrophic. What in the hell happened?!

I don't fucking know!! Go look around!! mom?!

I search through the debris and find my mom. I grab her and see she is unconscious. I also notice she is covered in cuts and bruises.

I hear a small scream come from hallway. That sounded like Roxy!

Well, go save her! Don't worry about your mom, she can fucking heal herself!!

I looked down at my mother. I hate to leave her, but Roxy needs my help. I picked her up and laid her down on the bed where there wasn't much debris. I opened the door and went outside the room. I looked down the hallway and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

FUCKING SHIT, THIS IS FUCKING BAD!! this isn't could this be happening?

Where are all of the fucking guards?!?! WE FUCKING NEED THEM NOW!!

I grit my teeth in anger at who I see in front of me.

"Quinton." I growl.

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