Chapter 6

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Roxy's pov:

"No I won't do it." I whisper with fear in my voice.

Quinton snapped his fingers and that vampire slashed Carter's back. He screamed in pain as the whip hit his body.

I shook my head and more tears started to fall.

"Quinton please stop, your killing him." I plead.

"I'll stop when you say what I want to hear." He replies.

I looked at Carter. He was extremely exhausted and his back was covered in blood.

You have to do it Roxy, it's the only way you can save Carter.

"Okay...I..I will marry you. Just please let Carter go." I whisper.

Quinton smiled and picked me up bridal style. He was carrying me out of the room. I looked back at Carter and saw the vampire that whipped him was unchaining him from the wall. Carter mouthed to me that everything will be okay and he will save me. Carter..I'm so sorry you got hurt because of me.

When we were in Quinton's room, he smiled at me. He grabbed my hands and kissed my knuckles. I'm not enjoying any of this. I attempt to yank them away, but Quinton holds them in place.

"I have waited so long to finally have you Roxana. Now no one will keep you from me." He says in a possessive tone.

He pushes me up against the wall and puts his mouth near my ear. Please don't lick me again.

"Why did you kiss that boy?" He questions. Because I love Carter and not you. He would never hurt me unlike you, all you have done is hurt me.

I keep my thoughts in my head and I stay silent. I hear Quinton growl in annoyance at my silence.

"It doesn't matter anyway, because soon I will be the only man you kiss and hold in a passionate way." He says strongly.

Don't say anything Roxy, he isn't worth your words. Just let him hear himself talk.

I wonder how dad is holding up. I really hope that he is okay. I felt the tears trying to escape my eyes. Quinton wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"What color do you want the wedding to be?" He asks. I don't even want to be in the wedding, so why would he ask me what color I want it to be?!

When I didn't answer that time, he roughly grabbed my face. I tried to pull his hand off of my face, but it didn't work.

"If you don't start answering my questions, I will have your female friend whipped next." He growls.

Why does he always have to bring the ones I love and care about into this?

"I doesn't really matter." I say quietly. Quinton lets my face go and he goes to the door. He opened it and looked back at me.

"I will have some servants come in and help you get ready. And I will let your friend visit you." He says before shutting the door and leaving.

He will let me see Hailey..he is finally doing something I want for a change. But the person I am worried about the most is Carter.
I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard the door opening. I gasped and stood up when I saw who was in the room with me.

It was Hailey and Carter. Hailey was holding him up so he wouldn't fall. I noticed Hailey had some bandages on her arms and her forehead. And Carter had bandages around his waist, where I could partially see his six pack. Stop paying attention to the wrong things!!

Hailey sets Carter down and runs over to me and gives me the biggest hug ever. I wrap my arms around her and hold her so tight.

"Roxy..I was so worried about you. I'm so glad that you are alright. I shouldn't have dragged you to that damn party." She says in between sobs. I feel the tears escaping my eyes.

We hug and cry for a little while longer, until I think about Carter. I gently pull away and go towards him. He looked a lot better than the last time I saw him.

"How are you feeling?" I ask nervously.

"I felt like crap..until I saw you." He says standing up and kissing me. I jump at him doing this, but I quickly give into the kiss. I hear Hailey giggle and make moaning sounds behind me. Me and Carter eventually pull away and look at Hailey.

"So, does this mean you guys go out now?" She asks in a sly tone. I look at Carter nervously and he gives me a toothy smile. He grabs my hand and strokes it gently.

"Yeah, we go out now. And I don't want anything to change that." He replies happily. I can't believe I am actually hearing those amazing words coming out of Carter's mouth.

"Well, that is the best thing I have heard today. Now that all of that is settled...let's get out of this bitch!!" She says enthusiastically.
I give her a confused look. Does she actually mean we are going to try and escape? Carter grabs my hand, opens the door, and looks outside.

"Nobody is out here, let's go." Carter says running and pulling me along. Hailey is running right beside us. We keep running until we are outside and in the woods. We got away from that place that quick.

I look at Carter in front of me. How can he run so fast while being injured from that whip? Maybe Carter is a lot stronger than I thought.


I looked at the night sky and admired the stars. I cuddled farther into Carter's chest and he ran his hand through my hair. Hailey was attempting to start a fire and was failing miserably.

"How come I can't start a fire, but Spongebob and Patrick started one under water?!" She questions irritated.

"It's alright Hailey, we really don't need a fire. We just need to rest and get back on our feet in the morning." Carter says after yawning. Hailey sighs and lays down on some leaves. I wrap my arms around Carter and I began to feel tired. Soon I felt darkness consume me.

But I was quickly woken back up. I almost jumped until I realized it was Carter who woke me up.

"I know this is a bad time, but I have always been curious about this, please don't get mad at me." He says.

I nod and he takes a deep breath.

"W..what happened to your mom?" He asked nervously. I didn't think he would ask me something like that.

"Roxy, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have aske-." I put my fingers to his lips.

"It's okay..I will tell you everything I know." I say. I remove my finger from his mouth and he nods.

"My mom died due to a crossfire between her police squad and some dangerous drug dealers. A bullet hit one of her lungs and she had to be dragged to the hospital. My mom was also pregnant with me and due to her injuries she had to have a c section. My dad told me that she was the most amazing woman in the whole world and that she couldn't wait to be a mother. My dad also told me that before she died, she was able to save the baby, so that is exactly what the doctors did." I explain.

Carter puts his hand on my face and gently wipes away a tear. I didn't realize I started crying.

"Th..that is really sad Roxy." Carter says softly. I kiss him on the cheek and I tell him we should go back to sleep. He nods and eventually does that. I look at the stars one last time and soon I felt darkness consume me.

I'm so so sorry for the long wait you guys had to endure. I had a stupid research project and some damn tests to take. So I hope this will make up for it.

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