Chapter 16

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Riker's pov-


W..what happened? Ricky..why are you yelling?

It was the only way to wake you up dipshit!! Which took way too fucking long!

I groan in pain and blink my eyes. I look around and see I am in a cage. Why am I in a cage?! I attempt to get up, but my whole body shuts down on me.

Why do I feel so weak?

One: You got your ass kicked earlier.
Two: Look down at your fucking wrists and ankles.

I look down and see silver chains around my wrists and ankles. How could I have let this happen?!

Go back to reason one and you will know. Now we need a fucking plan, cause there is no way I am spending the rest of my life in a cage!!

Don't you mean our life?

Doesn't fucking matter, at this rate our lives will be over pretty quick!

Ricky I agree with you, but how will we get out of here? The silver is wearing my strength down.

Maybe you should have thought about that before getting your ass kicked earlier!!



I grit my teeth in anger at who I see in front of me.

"Quinton." I growl.

He turns around and smirks. This son of a bitch!!

"Well hello Riker, I didn't expect to see you up and about." He replies.

"How the hell did you get in here?!" I say pissed off.

"It was very simple actually. First, I met a witch and made a deal with her. She help me infiltrate this castle and I give her access to my magic quarters. Second, she casts the spell and gives me a map of your castle. Third, we distract everyone with the blackout and set the bombs everywhere. Last, the castle explodes and the plan is put into action." He explains.

I can't believe he actually did all of that.

"You were actually stupid enough to make a deal like that with a witch." I reply.

"Don't worry, I killed the old hag after she cast the spell."

This guy has fucking issues!

"You are sick in the head Quinton." I tell him.

"You are probably right about that Riker, but it doesn't concern me."

I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Why did you do all of this?" I ask confused.

"Don't act dumb, you know exactly why I am here!" He snaps.

He appears in front of me and I jump back.

"The only reason I think your here for is to be a huge pain." I reply.

Quinton sighs and leans against the wall.

"I am here for something very important."

"And what exactly is that?"

He glances at me and crosses his arms.

"I'm here for my Roxana." He replies confidentially.

Oh shit!!

Just play it dumb Riker, you got this.

"Umm..I don't know who that is exactly." I lie.

"Funny you say that, cause a few minutes ago I heard her beautiful scream."

Did this fucking weirdo just say that Roxy's scream was beautiful?!

"I'm pretty sure you heard someone else--"

Quinton interrupted me with a punch to the face, sending me into the wall.

"Do not play these fucking games with me!! I know Roxana is here and I know you know exactly where she is!" He spits.

I use my thumb to wipe away the blood from my mouth. This bastard got a cheap shot.

"Your insane if you think I am gonna tell you where she is." I say getting into a fighting stance.

Quinton nods his head to the side and chuckles.

"I guess I will have to beat the information out of you." He says strongly.

"Let's go..I have no problem with fighting an old man."

I transform into my werewolf form and run at him. Quinton moves to side and cuts my shoulder with his claws. I start hitting at him and he dodges my attacks. He grabs my arm and slams me into the ground.

What the fuck?!?!

I growl and get up off the floor. Quinton laughs.

"Give up Riker, you can't beat me! You and I both know that!"

Talk shit get hit!!

I run at him and he smirks. I throw a punch and he elbows me very hard in the head. I fall back to the floor and transform back into my normal form.

That really hurt.

Quinton stomps on my chest and I wince from pain.

"You lost Riker Pure! Now tell me where Roxana is!" He demands.

"Go screw yourself Quinton!" I retort.

He puts his foot on my temple and kicks me knocking me out.


I tense as I run my hand over the bruise on my forehead. Did he really have to kick me?

We're gonna die in here!

Ricky calm down, we are not gonna die. We are gonna get saved or someone is gonna save us.

Yeah when we're fucking bones!!

I was about to say something else when I felt pain in my head and back. I hunch over and groan in pain.

"What could be causing 'the pains' now?" I say outloud to myself.

Who knows, those shits are fucking random dude.

A few minutes later, 'the pains' stop and I sigh in relief. About time 'the pains' stopped.

Can we forget about your fucking pain and think of a way out of here?!

Sure, but we gotta think of something that will not fail.

Yeah I you think that dickhead found Roxy?

I hope not Ricky, if he did who knows what he could do to Roxy.

That's only if he found her..which I hope he didn't.

Right..c'mon let's think of a way out of here.

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