Chapter 5

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Roxy's pov:

I totally needed that. I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.

I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me. I reached for the knob and opened the door.

I almost jumped when I saw two girls standing in the room. They must be twins because they look exactly alike. Except one has longer black hair than the other and the other has lighter brown eyes.

I notice one is holding a folded outfit.

"Hello Mistress." They both say together.

Wait..did they just call me mistress? I have to get this straightened out.

"Please don't call me that. Just call me Roxy or Rox." I say nicely.

"We are ordered to call you that. Please do not be angry." The short haired one says.

"Why would I be angry? I just want you to call me by my name." I still say nicely.

They seem confused by what I said. Eventually they start helping me get dressed. They help me put on a pink shirt, and a black skirt.

The short haired twin is putting on my shoes, while the long haired one is doing my hair. When they are done, I look in the mirror.

Thank goodness for that shower and these new clothes. I looked neat and clean due to the clothes I was wearing. My hair was in a braid with a white ribbon tied at the end.

"You look very beautiful." They both say together.

"Thank you and you two did help me look like this." I say.

They seem like really nice girls. I wonder what their names are.

"What are your names?" I ask.

They seem really surprised that I asked that.

"You really want to know our names?" They say.

I nod.

"My name is Mya and my sister's name is Mea." The longed haired one says.

"Those are very pretty names." I say.

"Thank you mist- Roxy." Mea says.

I nod and lay down on the bed. At least Quinton isn't here to yell at me and hit me.

"Do you need anything Roxy?" Mya asks.

I shake my head.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you for asking though." I say.

"It's time for you girls to leave." I hear a voice say.

I sit up and look around the room. I see Quinton slowly appearing out of nowhere.

How long has he been standing there?! I did not see him come in!!

"I didn't studder leave!" He says loudly.

Mya and Mea quickly scampered out of the room. Quinton looks at me and nods.

"You look very beautiful in those clothes." He says.

I'm still confused on how he got in here without making a sound.

"How long were you standing there Quinton?"

"Not long, don't worry I didn't see your naked body...unfortunately." He looks my body up and down as he says that.

How much of a pervert can you possibly be?!

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