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All characters and events in this book are completely imaginary and fictional. If any characters, events, scenes are related to people in in real life, it is completely co-incidental.

All works in this book is mine. I put a lot of my effort and time in my works, so please do not steal. Not being insensitive, or accusing anyone, but that is really shallow.


This book has a lot of grammar and maybe spelling mistakes.

I am not from Canada, or neither am i from Australia. So this book may have mixed accents. And this book also may have places that are not in the mentioned places. Where i come from, we speak British English, so the accents may tend to sound like English people.

Also the book is in a dual POV kind of way. So some chapters may have 2 POVs and some may have one. So yeah...

Other than these weird things that you have to take note... I hope you enjoy this book. I can 100% guarantee you this book is fun to read as it was to write. Hope you have as much fun as i did. CHEEREOS!

p.s. i was eating ice cream while typing this, which probably meant that i was high on sugar. So the disclaimer might have made no sense. But hope you have fun!

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