1: Who Do I Have?

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'Told me not to cry when you were gone,

the feelings overwhelming its much too strong'

-Lay Me Down, Sam Smith


{Who Do I have?}


I sit there, looking around me, looking for signs of my mum, dad, and my beloved brother- Evan. All i see is families hugging each other, rejoicing the discovery of their lost family members. It brought tears to my eyes, knowing i don't have my family with me right now.

A large tsunami had just hit and part of me is relived that I've survived it. Another part of me had wanted to die as i continue searching each and every face in the shelter, for a familiar person that i could hug and cry on. We shouldn't have come for this vacation. Mustn't have. It was all my fault. If i hadn't asked for this, i wouldn't be sitting here, water dripping from my wet hair and a blanket wrapped around me, trying to keep me warm.

"Oh my god!" I heard someone shout., as she launched herself on someone else. I saw her body shaking as tears spilled down her face. The guy was consoling her, rubbing er back, whispering something into her ear. She lifted her head and gave him a hungry kiss, before she buried her face into his chest again. the guy looked around, and it briefly met mine. I quickly turned my gaze onto the bottle in front of me, taking interest on it. I tried to hold my tears in, which were threatening to spill out. Even if i cried, who do i have? To hold me, tell comforting thing to me in my ear, telling me that everything would be okay.

Hope was quickly slipping away, like droplets. Drop by drop, I vegan giving up hope. Hope that I would ever find the rest of my family. The more I sat here, the more I thought of them. I quickly stood up, making my way out of the tent, into the beach.

The once beach was now a mess. Debris dominated the beach. The sand was wet and soggy. I adjusted my shirts and tank top and took a deep breath, taking in what lied in front of me.

People clad in white were running around, carrying stretchers. Some were covered with cloth, others had people looking sickly. Ambulance stood on one end, its doors wide open, treating the injured. I walked away from it, all of it. I walked further down the beach, looking for them myself.

Something glistened in the sand, reflecting the shining sun in my eyes. Curious, I went nearer. I bent down to find a gold watch, dad's gold watch. I hungrily pushed through the sand and snatched it up. I felt the texture of it, smooth as it always had been.

"Dad," I whisper. "Please. Come to me. The loneliness is killing me," I tell the watch. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath again. I reopen them and looked back at the watch. It's hands were not moving. Showing me that it was dead. Telling me that dad was dead. Pushing that thought to the back if my head, I shove the watch into my pocket, feeling its weight as I continue walking. I walked down the beach, feeling myself sinking deeper and deeper. Feeling the weight of the world on me. Feeling it weigh me down with every step I took.

The water was a few feet away from me. I stared at it intently, expecting it to give me answers. Like a bullet, a memory flashes through my head.

We were running. Away from the beach. I saw the water retreat to a dangerous level and it clicked in me.

"RUN!" I scream to the people around me. We took off head first. My brother ran in front of me, with my father behind him. I was pushing my mum to run, trying to save her. The water behind me started gushing in. All I remember was screaming, "MUM!" till my throat hurt.

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