15: Kick Ass

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I was as pure as a river

But now I think I'm possessed

-Haunted, Halsey


{ Kick ass game }


I woke up on the bed, to my phone buzzing under me. Wait... Didn't I fall asleep on the couch? Oh well. Maybe I sleep walked again. I dug my phone from under me and I saw Nichols's face flashing on my screen.

"Hello?" I answer it.

"Dude! Were you still sleeping?!" Nicholas yells.

"Yeah! Until you woke me up!" I grumble.

"It's 2pm! Were already on our way to Whitely!" He yelled.

"Good" I sighed. Wait what?! "Why didn't Raven wake me up!" I yell back, throwing the covers off and rushing out of bed. Seriously! Not again!

I throw open the door and step out. My leg caught on something and I tripped, falling face first. I look back at what I tripped, finding Raven, halfway in a push up position.

"Why aren't you on the bus?" I question him.

"Why would I be? It's 10 in the morning," he asked back confused. Huh? What the hell was he talking about?

I looked at my phone and I hadn't hung up on Nicholas yet. I brought it close to my ear. At the other end, I heard a bunch of guys snickering.

"What the hell is this atrocity!" I shout into the phone. "Seb? Are you part of this?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to play with your anxiety. But it was really hilarious!" He laughed into the phone. Oh my god. The player has just been played. I squinted my eyes in anger, even though they can't see it.

"Guys you're going to regret this! Assholes!" I hang up.

I look back at Raven, and he looks at me. We stare at each other for a while, before I retrieve my leg. A smirk slowly spread across Raven's face.

"They just played you huh?" He chuckled, sitting up.

"Yeah," I mumble, pouting like a child. "And ew, you're sweaty," I complain and wipe away the sweat on my leg, with my pajamas sleeve.

"What do you expect me to do when I'm working out?" He questions.

"Uh, look hot? Like I don't know? Um... Theo James when he's working out. And seriously? Who works out before a game?" I ramble.

Raven fake gasped. "Insulting me is one thing. But comparing me to an old man? That's a whole new level!" He mimicked me, giving me a tickle attack.

"Stop! Stop!" I request through breaths.

"Say that I look hot when I work out!" He demanded.

"Ew what no!" He continued tickling me, until my sides hurt. "Ok! Ok! Raven Martin Matthews looks very hot when he sweats!" I surrender.

"Good!" He stands up, placing his hand on his hips. I, on the other hand, lay there in an ungalm manner, sprawled on the floor catching my breath. "Let's get you breakfast," he says and lifts me up bridal style and started down the staircase.

"Dude! Put me down! Your seriously sweaty and gross!" I slap his chest.

"I'll drop you on the stairs," he threatens. I stay put, which seemed reasonable.

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