19: Come 'ere You Big Oaf

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Tell me if it's wrong

If it's right

I don't care

I can keep a secret, can you?

- Cool For The Summer, Demi Lovato


{ Come 'ere You Big Oaf }


All week, my friends had been avoiding me for no reason. Including Thean. And the rest. Whenever I see Seb, and when he sees me, he starts screaming, "I cannot tell!" And runs away. That kept me wondering, what can't he tell me about?

I woke up one morning, my legs entangled in something. Something thick was wrapped around my waist holding me tight. That 'thing' blew soft quiet snores at the back of my neck. I turned around. As expected Raven was sleeping soundly beside me. He looked so peaceful, and younger. His hair ruffled, showing that he slept really well himself. His chest rose and fell rhythmically sucking in and blowing out air. Even in the dark, I could make out the outline of his sharp nose.

I took my phone and scrolled through my music. Seeing that I had downloaded the Teen Wolf alpha remix, a grin made its way to my face. I put my media volume to full and placed the speaker of my phone right beside Raven's ear and blasted it.

Raven literally jumped out of bed, bringing me down with him. I laid there laughing manically as Raven realized that I had just woken him from his slumber.

After I recovered from my laughing fit, I looked at him accusingly.

"Why do you sleep with me?" I accused.

"I don't," he air quoted, " 'sleep with' you. Its called cuddle therapy. It helps you sleep better. It helps me too."

"Why do you sleep shirtless!" I accused again.

"Because I can!" He stood up. He put me on the bed and looked at me expecting something.


"What day is it today?" He rubbed his hands together.

"Ummmm... Its two days before Christmas..." I answered unsure of what he was expecting.

"I don't know if you're dumb or stupid. Happy birthday!"  He shouted at my face. I didn't know if I should be offended that he called me stupid, or be touched that he actually remembered.

Instead I was taken aback.

"H-how did you know?" I ask him, surprised.

"Obviously I did. I'm not stupid," he chuckled.

"Oh my god. Thank you so much," I hugged him. I heard him chuckle. "Now get out. I need to get ready for school."

"Why can't I stay and watch," he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Really? You really want to end up in a wheelchair, don't you?" I raised an eyebrow. His cheeky grin morphed into horror.

"You're a maniac!" He accused and left.

I quickly changed and headed down, finding Claudia and Raven anticipating my arrival. They both wear similar grins on their faces.

"Stop. You two look so much like each other. Its creeping me out," I inform them.

"We made you a birthday breakfast," Claudia beamed.

"Or in your terms, a birthday brekkie!" Raven smirked. Claudia nudged him in the rib and shook her head, laughing. They stepped aside and I see the counter. It had a plate of waffles, scrambled eggs, and my favorite honey stars cereal. In a large mug, there was a chocolate drink.

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