25: I'm thinking... Warm Bodies

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  Your love was handmade for somebody like me  

-Shape Of you, Ed Sheeran


{ I'm thinking... Warm Bodies }


Well it seemed like Raven's dad was around longer than anyone expected. In the two weeks that he stuck around, we had learnt so much about Daniel.

Daniel was a math nerd- I mean whizz (I actually meant nerd). Both Raven and Daniel loved horror movies and chick flicks. Moreover they loved video games, so much, they'd kill for it.

So with an additional whizz- *cough* nerd *cough*- in the house, daily duties were much more harder. If I want milk, I need to answer questions like "What is 455+320 divided by 240 and then multiplied by 7." By the time I figure what the question even meant, I had lost my appetite.

Raven didn't only seem to acknowledge his dad's presence, he started growing on him. They became more friendlier to each other, and the thick air of tension that always hung over them seemed to get thinner and thinner. By the time those two went on their first fishing trip, the thin air of tension became almost non-existent.


I woke up in the morning to the noise of someone puking. 

"Hey? Are you okay?" I asked the figure bent over the toilet releasing his insides out.

"I- I don't know," he clutched his knee and panted. I held his shoulder and started rubbing his back, because I have no idea what I was supposed to do when someone vomits. He looked up at me and looked like he wanted to say something. "Uh... Uh oh," he bent over the toilet again. 

I picked up a towel and passed it to him. He washed his face and wiped it on the towel. I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. I came back up to see Raven looking sickly pale.

"I've got the stomach flu," he sniffles.

"Are you crying?" I set the glass if water down next to my bed.

"No, I am not!" He wiped his eyes. "I'm having a flu, my throat hurts, bad, and I feel like I got run over by a bus. My stomach feels like its on its own roller coaster ride. Stupid. I had this whole day planned out. I blame Daniel and his fishing trip," he rambled.

"You went on the fishing trip a week ago," I roll my eyes. "And its okay, all you have to do now is rest." I kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry," he sniffled again. "Can I get a tissue?" I picked up the tissue box and passed it to him.

"I should go get ready for school," I stood up and took my clothes. I grabbed my toiletries and made my way down to the toilet in the hallway.

"Why don't you get ready here?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Even if you are sick, you never stop being a creep," I roll my eyes and exit my room.

I get ready and head down for breakfast. Claudia was happily reading the newspaper with Daniel.

"G'day mate!" I happily pour myself a bowl of cereal. I put bread in the toaster and pour a glass of milk. I poured milk on my cereal and take a bite out of it. The toasted bread popped up and I grabbed it, putting them on a plate. I grabbed the glass of milk and the toast on a tray and headed up to Raven's room.

I turned around to find Claudia and Daniel standing right behind me. I jumped, almost spilling the milk onto myself.

"Hey guys," I greet them.

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