8: I Hate Kids

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Sometimes the silence guides your mind

So move to a place so far away

-Sweater Weather, The Neighborhood.


{ I Hate Kids }


The headache had subsided, but my vision was really blurred. I hated tikes like these. I have a problem with my eyesight, bit it isn't myopia. Whenever I feel too stressed or worn out, I need my glasses. Maybe this is why Evan never let me drink, or even go to a party.

With my blur vision I walked around my room looking for my spectacles. But it was no where to be found. I took out my suitcases. Maybe I forgot to take them out. But when I opened it, there was nothing inside. Where were they? I didn't remember taking them out either. I sighed and stalked over to Raven's room.

"Have you seen my spectacles?" I ask him.

"Which? These?" He asked pointing to his face. Who did he think he was to wear my specs?

"What are you doing with them," I squinted to look at him.

"I thought they were phony ones, but Woah, you're practically blind," he took it off his face and blinked.

"Just give it back," I put out my hand. "I need them now." He stood up and held my glasses away from my reach, "If you want it, cone and get it!" I jumped a few times in hopes to reach it, but he jumped too, making it impossible to reach. Aggravated, I kicked him where the sun wouldn't shine. He crouched down in agony and handed the glasses to me. I grabbed them out if his hand and wore them. My vision cleared up immediately, leaving a big smile on my face.

"Like I said, I'm a battalion of warriors," I triumphed out if his room.

"Good morning," Claudia greeted as I entered the kitchen. "Are you fine dear?"

"Yeah. Just a bad hangover," I confessed and hopped onto the stool at the counter.

"You drink?" She widened her eyes.

"No. I don't," I defended myself. "I was spiked I guess. And then I ate some brownies..." I touched my head where the pain was starting to form.

"Oh people were handing out hashies?" She laughed. "Those stuff get you bad."

"Hashies? Isn't that like hash brown or something to do with potatoes?"

"Oh dear!" She let out a full body laugh. Raven laughed like her, with his full body. "Oh my. Haven't you been to parties before?"

"Evan was a very overprotective brother..." I trailed off. Claudia's eyes softened, "I'm sure its because he loved you."

"And hashies are pot brownies. They're baked with marijuana in them," she explained.

"Mari-wha?" My eyes popped out of my head. "Who in the right kind would give those out? Isn't that illegal or something?"

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