27: I'm not a prom person

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{ I'm not a prom person }


"You can't drive. You're driving is horrible," Raven commented as I took my seat in the drivers seat.

"Yes I can! I'm just used to driving on the right,"  I stepped on the accelerator.

"Right..." Raven chuckled as we pulled out of the driveway. He reached for the radio, but I swatted his hand away.

"Driver chooses the music. Shotgun shuts his cakehole," I settled on a station. I was blissfully listening to 'Maps' that was playing on the radio when I noticed the sign board in front of me, causing me to press hard on the brakes.  "Road closed?!?! This is so not fair!" I hit the steering wheel angrily.

"You can't drive and now the road hates you. Congratulations!" Raven started applauding.

"Lucky we left early. Tell me the other route," I instructed him.

"Mind if I drive? Cupcake?" He braced himself. I searched for my thickest text book and started hitting him with it, "I've told you not to call me cupcake!" He just laughed and ducked away.

"Move I'll drive," he chuckled and switched over to the driver's seat. I was busy meddling with the radio, when a it hit me.

"Time runs so fast, doesn't it? Tomorrow's prom!"

"Yeah and after that finals then graduation!" He joined in. I had waited this long. Seriously? Doesn't he get a hint? Was he waiting for me to ask him?

"Are we going?" I ask in the smallest voice I could find, hoping he didn't hear me.

"Where graduation?" His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"No silly!" I hit him on the head. He caught my hand and interlaced his fingers into mine, "Prom."

"Nah. You go on without me," he pulled into the school parking lot. "I'm not a prom person," he kissed the back of my hand. I could feel my face fall.


"Anyways, catch you later. I have to go and help with Seb and his 'promposal'," he rolled his eyes. "Idiots right?"

"Y-yeah idiots," I tried to smile for him.  He turned and walked away. I sat there, fisting my hands on my lap, fighting the urge to strangle that dipshit. I slammed the dashboard hard.

I heard a knock on the window. I looked out and saw Thean waiting for me. He motioned me to come out and I reluctantly did.

"Why so glum, chum?" Thean slung his arm around my shoulder.

I locked the car and kicked it angrily. The security alarm went off and I started panicking. I pressed all the buttons that was on the key. A few tries later, it fell silent. Now even the car hates me.

"Remind me not to do that," I sigh.

"We're gonna be late if we don't go in now," Thean nodded towards the door. I nodded and followed behind him.


"Hey! Nichole!" Thean shouted from across the cafeteria. We looked up and Thean made his way through the crowd with a giddy smile on his face. He came close and put a box in front of her. "Crank it!" He panted.

"Oh. Okay," she looked suspicious but cranked it anyway. The boxed ticked a few times and the top of the box ripped open. Nichole screamed and fell off her chair, which was a funny sight to watch.

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