26: Words Were Out Before I Could Think

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{ Words Were Out Before I Could Think }


Loud noises woke me up from my sweet slumber. It sounded as if an elephant had accidentally trampled into my house. Wait! What if it was a burglar?

I make my way down with my baseball bat raised in defense. I could see a figure moving in the dark, rummaging through the couch. I crept up behind it and slammed the baseball bat hard on the back. 

"Stop! Stop! It's just me!" my dads voice came out from the stranger.  I quickly flicked on the light and took in everything that was in front of me. 

"Dad! What the hell?" I dropped the baseball bat. my eyes flew to the porch and was surprised to see a big suitcase sitting outside. "What are you doing?"

"S-shouldn't you-" he started stammering but I cut him off. 

"Are you leaving again?" I asked more vehemently than I had intended to. 

"Why can't a person get a good night's sleep in this stupid house," a groggy voice complained from behind me. I ignored Liz and continued questioning my dad. 

"Are you walking out on us? On mom? Again?" I tried guilt tripping him into staying. "Don't you know it'll hurt her once again?"

"No. N-no. I-I'm not leaving," he tried to protest, but his feeble attempt blew his cover. "I''ll be back. I-I just have some work to take care of."

"Why can't you leave in the morning? Why in the dead of the night? Why in secret? What do I look like to you? 5?"

"Raven... Just hear me o-" 

"You know what?" I looked at this man in front of we with utter disgust. I hardly even knew him. I couldn't believe I shared genetics with him. "I don't want to hear it. Out! If you are going to leave, just go," I pointed to the door.


"I said get out of my house," I gritted my teeth. 

"Wait," Liz spoke up from behind me. "Don't go!" 

"And please don't ever think of coming back. ever again." I looked away, hurt. How could he do this to me? Again, but this time when I had a mind of my own. Hasn't he learnt anything from the first time?

He just gave her an apologetic smile, picked up his bag and left.

"Raven..." Liz whispered behind me a while after we heard the door close.

"What?" I snapped at her. 

"How could you do that? You were just warming up," she pointed to the closed door.

"I didn't expect him to leave again okay! I really thought he was here to stay. I thought something changed. Now he had just walked out on all of us, including you," I started ranting. "This is what i was afraid of all along."

"Okay, okay. Chill. Breathe. This- none of this is your fault. Don't be so hard on yourself," she reached out and touched my face. 

"Right. Obviously it isn't!" I laughed haughtily. " None of this is my fault. You know why? Because this is all your fault!" Accusation escaped my lips. "This is all your fault. If you hadn't asked me to give him a chance, none of this wouldn't have even happened." I cornered her up against a wall. I could see her gray eyes reflect fear, but in a second they shifted to anger.

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