3: High School Drama

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Your words don't mean a thing

I'm not listening

They're just like water off my wings

-Wings, Little Mix


{ High School Drama }

~ LIZ~

"I'll show you to the office," Nichole grabbed my hand and led the way. I followed behind her, my chuck Taylors squeaking on the newly waxed hallway.

"You must be Lizabelle Cresse," the lady behind the desk smiled at me.

"Its Cressi," I corrected her. She motioned me to come forward.

"Here. This is your timetable, and your locker number and combination," she placed a few papers on the table. I took a look at them and found out that my locker number was 17. "You'll find your textbooks and an extra copy for your timetable in your locker."

I thanked her and walked out of the office. Nichole grabbed the timetable out of my hand and studied it.

"Oh look. We have half the classes together," she handed it back. "See you during biology," she waved and strutted away. I looked at my timetable. I had math first. God! I hated math. I look for my locker and stand before it. It was a big locker, unlike the ones in my old school. I'm NY old school, the lockers were separated into top and bottom locker. Not only that we had to buy our lockers. I didn't buy mine as I found it a waste of money. So now, I stand here, staring at my padlock, with no idea how to open my new locker.

"Lost?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I look to my right to see Thean leaving against my neighbor's locker.

"Yeah..." I admitted sheepishly.

"Let me help," he chuckled. "Firstt turn the dial to zero," he instructed and taught me how to open the locker. It was pretty easy after I got the hang of it.

"Oh look. We have math together. Then after your biology, we have geography together. Then lunch...hmm.. Hey we have drama and theatrics together too. This is gonna be one fun day!" He chuckled.

"Wow. So many classes with you," I breathed.

"Don't worry. You'll never get bored." I rolled my eyes and take my math textbook out of my locker. I head to math with him, taking a seat beside him.

"Hey," a girl approached me. She looked like an exact replica of the plastics from the movie Mean Girls. I looked up at her. "You are sitting on my seat."

"Oh. Sorry. I'll just grab my things and move..." I stood up, picking all my books. I felt someone grab my forearm and pull me down,making me sit on the seat.

"You don't sit here. Try picking on someone else," Thean retorted for me. She scowled and strutted away, her heels clicking on the tiled floor. "Don't let them push you around."

"I just don't want to get involved into the high school drama," I sigh. "Also why is everyone staring at you?" I adjusted my beanie.

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