Ron Weasley x Kathy

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((Written for my friend, Kathy))

"Kathy, wake up! It's Halloween!" I slowly open my eyes and see a smiling Hermione. "C'mon! Let's go!" She grabs my shoulders and shakes me. I realize now that I should've stayed in my Ravenclaw dorm. I did not expect her to be this excited this early in the morning.
"Okay, okay, I'm up." I sit up on the bed and watch her frantically scurry around the room.
"I can't find my wand!"
"'Mione... It's right there." I point to her wand on top of her dresser.
"Ah. Thank you." She grabs her wand and walks over to me. "So... You should talk to Ron while we're at Hogsmeade. Maybe ask him to grab a butterbeer with you."
I put on my robes and blush. "I can't do that. It's obvious that Ron doesn't fancy me. I'm pretty sure he fancies that Lavender Brown girl."
"Oh. Well, that's not what I heard." She quickly leaves the dorm and I follow her after grabbing my wand.

-time skip to Hogsmeade-

'What did she mean when she told me that that's not what she heard? Does Ron fancy me? I guess I'll have to find out sometime.' You snap out of your thoughts when you hear someone call your name.
"'Ello, Kathy. You look- er- nice today..."
"Oh! H-hi Ron..." He smiles at me as I trip over my words. "So, um, w-where are we all going first?"
"I was thinking we could go check out Honeydukes first. I've heard they have the best chocolate!" Ron's smile grows twice as wide as it originally was and he grabs my arm and races towards Honeydukes. I look back at Hermione and Harry, who I never got a chance to say hi to, and they wave at me with goofy grins plastered on their faces. 'I'm going to hurt those two.' Ron suddenly stops and I fall to the floor. He quickly helps me up and starts apologizing.
"It's ok, Ron. Let's just go inside." We both make our way into the crowded shop and our first stop is to buy the largest chocolate we can find. Once we have that, Ron and I walk back outside, happily munching our candy.
"Oi, Kathy.... Would you like to accompany me to the Three Broomsticks for a nice butterbeer?" Ron steps in front of me and bows, attempting, and failing, to act formal.
"Are you asking me on a date?" I look at him, surprised.
"Well, I mean, it doesn't have to be a date if you don't want it to be." He looks to the floor and his ears turn red. I can tell he's embarrassed.
"I don't mind it being a date. There's something I would like to ask you, anyways."
He tilts his head a bit. "What's that?"
"Do you fancy me, Ron? Or are you interested in Lavender?"
"I thought it was obvious! I clearly fancy you. Lavender is weird. But, you. You're perfect." He takes my hand and pulls me close. "I wouldn't want anyone other than you." I gaze into his green eyes and he kisses me lightly on the cheek. "So, how about that date?"
"What are we waiting for? Let's go get some butterbeer." I laugh and he walks with me, hand in hand, to the Three Broomsticks. I'm glad that I found out what Hermione meant.

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