Draco Malfoy x Jackie SMUT

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(I would like to give a special shoutout to JackieBarbee . She has been my best friend for 3 years so far and today is her 17th birthday. Happy Birthday, you silly little Hufflepuff.)

(Warning: Sexual content)

It's been five years since I've graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I look around as I stand in Diagon Ally. I smile at all of the new wizards and witches. 'I remember when I started my first year.' I stop in front of Olivanders Wand Shop and sigh. I missed going to school. I turn away from the window and see the one wizard I never wanted to see again. Draco Malfoy, former death eater, was leaning against the wall in front of me. Wherever he was, trouble was never far behind. I lowered my head and walked past, hoping he wouldn't recognize me, but, unfortunately, he did.
"Jackie? Is that you?"
I stopped and took a deep breath. I heard him stand up and walk towards me. I didn't want to turn to face him. "Yes, Draco, it's me."
He slowly walks around me. "My, you look amazing."
"Look, if you're going to insult me, at least make it more obvious. Don't make me suffer through subliminal insults."
"No. Oh, no. I'm not, no. I mean it. You do look amazing." He backs away slightly, a hurt expression on his face.
I look down at the ground. "I'm surprised you mean that. What you did to me all those years ago had me thinking otherwise."
"Jackie, I'm so sorry about that. I know I was a jerk to you. I promise I've changed." He lifts your chin up. "How about I buy you a firewhiskey at the Leaky Cauldron?"
I smile at his question. "That'd be nice."

~Time skip to a few too many firewhiskeys later~
"So, what y what yer telling me is. Volde mort. He's. Haha. He's dead? When did this haappen?" I take another sip of my fifth firewhiskey.
"Jackie," Draco laughs. "I think you've had too much to drink. He died five years ago. You helped kill him." He puts his hand on my back and takes the firewhiskey away from me.
I turn to look at him and his eyes captivate me. I can't help but to feel attracted to him. Without warning, I crash my lips into his. He doesn't hesitate with kissing me back. "How about we go to the back?" I break the kiss and run my finger down his chest.
"That sounds like it'd be fun." He stands up, takes my hand, and leads me to the back room. "Nobody will bother us here." He shuts and locks the door.
As he's dealing with the door, I'm fumbling with my pants. I finally get them pulled off when he turns back around.
"What are you doing?"
I turn to him. "It will be you as soon as I'm done undressing." I see his face turn pink.
"I'm alright with that." He shrugs and begins to undress himself. I watch him in admiration. He is the definition of perfect. The mark on his left arm is faded and scratched, but his pale skin and grey eyes draw me closer to him. He walks over to me and leads me to a large chair. He sits down, naked, and smirks. "I need you, Jackie. Let's do this."
Those words brought me to the edge. I straddled him and lowered myself. As he entered me, I took a deep breath. It was as if fireworks were exploding in my mind. I began bouncing up and down. He held onto my hips to keep me steady and I looked into his eyes. The lust was unreal. Nothing could have ruined this moment. Soft moans escaped our lips and hung in the air, which got warmer by the minute. As we approached our ends, he began thrusting himself deep into me and our movements became sloppy. I watched him as he shut his eyes during his release. It was hot enough to bring me to my own release. After we finished, I managed to crawl off and cuddle up beside him. "So, do you forgive me for the past?"
I nod my head. "Mhm. I want to do that more often."
"Then, be my girl."
"I can't say no even if I wanted to, Draco."

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