Ron Weasley x Aubrey

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((Written for Noodlesdare ))

~Aubrey's POV~
'Why does he have to be a Weasley? My parents would never approve of him...' As I write down my thoughts in my journal, I sigh as I think of him. The youngest Weasley boy has stolen my heart and he doesn't even know it. I know we could never be together. He's a Weasley and I'm a Malfoy. My stupid brother would tease me if he ever found out. I finish writing and put away my journal. Pansy and Millicent are both asleep in their beds. 'I wonder if he's wandering around.' I bite my lip and look at my wand. I grab it and quietly leave my dorm, hoping to run into him and his friend, Potter.

~Ron's POV~
"Harry. It's late. Why do you want to go now."
"Because, Ron, I saw something out there. I need to go see what it was."
"Seriously. Sirius Black is out looking for you and you want to go to the Forbidden Forest because you saw something. Ya know, you're not that smart." Why does he want to go out there? He's going to get us killed. Harry holds up his invisibility cloak and I reluctantly join him.
"Alright. Let's go. And don't make a sound." Harry leads us out of our dorm and down the stairs. As we're walking down the hall, we hear a noise. Harry stops suddenly and I run into him. "Watch it."
"Sorry." I back up slightly.
As we listen, we hear the sound of footsteps coming closer. It's not one of the professors or a psycho murderer. The footsteps are too careful and too slow, almost as if it's somebody afraid of being caught.
"Lumos." A wand lights up a few feet in front of us.
'Malfoy? What's he doing out here?' As he walks closer, I realize that it's not him. It's his twin, Aubrey. She's nothing like Malfoy. Harry takes one step forward and the floor creaks. Aubrey points her wand at us.

~Aubrey's POV~
The halls are dark once I reach them. I walk for a bit, hoping to find my way. I walk into a part of the hall that is darker than the rest, if that was even possible, and pull out my wand, hitting my elbow in the process. 'For the love of Merlin, why?!' Once the sharp pain subsides, I light my wand. "Lumos." I take very careful steps forward. I stop to look down a hall to the right I'm me when I hear a creak. I shine my wand in front of me and take a deep breath. "H-hello?" My voice shakes. Suddenly, two figures show up out of nowhere. Potter and... Ron?
"What are you doing out of your dorm, Aubrey?" Ron steps forward.
"I... I was looking for you, hoping you would be roaming around." A blush creeps across my face.
"You were looking for me?"
"Yes... I couldn't stop thinking about you. I fancy you..."
"I fancy you too. It's just, your brother.."
"Who cares what he'll think. He's a git anyways."
"So... A Slytherin and a Gryffindor... Interesting." Harry laughs in the background.
"Shut up, Potter." I sound just like my brother. He stops laughing, though. I look over down the hall again and when I look back in front of me, I'm greeted by a pair of lips. Ron's lips, to be exact. They're soft and I can't help but to kiss him back. When he pulls away, his eyes are hypnotic.
"Better get back to your dorm before you get in trouble."
"Well, I can sleep soundly now, knowing I found what I was looking for."
Ron blows a kiss to me as he and Harry leave under the invisibility cloak. I head back to my dorm so I can go to sleep and dream of my favorite pureblood.

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