Molly Weasley x reader: Adoption

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~(Y/N)'s POV~
"I-I can't believe it.... My parents... Dead? It. It can't be true." You break down crying in the middle of the Great Hall. You just received a letter that both of your parents were killed. They were both muggles, but they couldn't have loved you any more. You were their favorite thing in the world. And now, they were gone. You slowly stop crying as you feel three bodies surround you. Wiping your eyes, you notice it's Ron, Fred, and George. They've always been like your brothers.
"(Y/N), what's wr-" Ron begins to ask you but he looks down, sees the letter, and stops talking. "I'm so sorry. I know how much they meant to you."
"Come with us, please." Fred helps you up and he walks out of the great hall with his arm around your waist. George and Ron follow closely behind. Once you get out, George speaks up.
"Mum told us to bring you to The Burrow if this ever happened. Are you ready to go see her?" You nod your head, keeping tears from flowing again. "Alright. Fred will keep ahold of you. Ron, grab my hand." You don't know what's happening, but as soon as Ron grabs Georges hand, Fred grabs his shoulder and keeps holding you. There's a swirl of colors and you feel dizzy. Soon, you find yourself in front of The Burrow.
"Mum! We're here!" Fred yells. George and Ron run inside.
Molly walks out, scolding Fred about using apparition, especially during class hours.
"Oh! (Y/N). What's wrong dear?" She quickly walks over to you.
"M-my parents.... They're...." You drop to the ground and start crying again before you can finish speaking.
Fred speaks for you. "Her parents were killed. Both of them. We brought her here because you told us to if this ever happened."
"Oh my. Come inside, I'll make you some tea." Molly hurries inside and brews the tea while Fred picks you up and carries you to the living room. Ron and George are running around, disappearing and reappearing with multiple boxes.
"Here you go." Molly hands you a cup of tea and sits across from you. "There's something I should tell you, (Y/N). You're parents have been friends with Arthur and I since you were a small child. They told me that..." She wipes a single tear from her eye. "They told me that if this ever happened, they wanted me to take care of you. They had me sign adoption papers that would have taken place as soon as they passed away."
Your eyes widen. "So that means.... You're my family now?" You look around at Molly, Fred, George and Ron. They all smile and nod their heads.
"We'll make sure you're always safe." Fred hugs you tightly and everyone else soon joins in.
'I have the best new family I could ever want.'

((My first non romantic fanfic. Woot woot. I think I did pretty well on it. Once again, you guys are awesome. The more reads my stories get, the more motivated I am to write them <3))

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