Ginny x reader

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(Written for Ginny_Potter7 )
((LGBT friendly))

'Why must she be so beautiful?' I sit back and admire my best friend. Ginny and I have been inseparable since we were young. As she runs around, her laughter fills my head. It clouds my mind. She doesn't seem to realize my love for her continues to grow stronger everyday. It has stretched far from being a friendly love. I'm beginning to want her as my one and only. My smile fades as she disappears in the tall grass. A hand is placed on my shoulder and I look up to see a smiling Fred.
"Come with me, (Y/N). I need to talk to you."
"Ok? What for?"
"Just come on." I stand up and follow Fred to the back of the Weasleys house. Once we're back there, he smiles even more.
"So, why did you bring me here, Fred?"
"I know you're falling in love with Ginny. You can't hide it."
"Is it that obvious?"
Fred nods his head. "Yes. It is."
"It doesn't matter, anyways. I know she likes Harry. I've seen the way she acts around him."
"I've seen it too, (Y/N). But, have you ever stopped to think about it?"
"I try not to."
"No. Not like that. You've seen how she acts around Harry."
"That's what I just said."
"Have you stopped to realize you were near him at those times?"
"No, actually, I haven't."
"Then you should know I've seen her around just you and just Harry. She acts the same way around you. She never acts that way around Harry. She loves you, (Y/N)."
I stand there, unsure of how to react. "I don't believe you."
"Very well. Follow me again. And try to be quiet."
I shrug my shoulders and follow after Fred. Soon enough, I see George talking to Ginny just beyond the grass. Fred gives a thumbs up and George subtly smiles. Fred puts a finger to his lips as he turns to me and begins to crawl through the grass. We stop within earshot of Ginny and George.
"I doubt she likes me like that, George. She never picks up on my signals."
"Have you tried to flirt with her when Harry isn't by her?"
"Yes, but..."
"But what, Ginny?"
Her voice gets softer. "She's never looking when I do."
"Then how do you know she doesn't love you like you love her?"
"It just seems logical. We've been friends for so long. I don't want to make things weird."
"I think you should tell her how you feel." George makes a weird bird sound and Fred stands up, grabbing my arm to bring me with him. He pushes me towards Ginny. At the same time, George spins her around, causing our lips to collide. Time seems to stop in that moment. We pull away to look at each other with bright red faces.
"Ginny, I..." I look down at the ground.
"I love you, (Y/N). I'm sorry I haven't told you sooner."
"Then make it up to me."
I look back up to her. "Be my girlfriend?"
She smiles with delight and wraps her arms tightly around me. "Yes!" I hear her giggle as she embraces me. Who would've thought I'd date my best friend?

Harry Potter x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now