Draco Malfoy x Cameron

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(Written for Cameronmarie45 )

'Look at him with his smug face. He thinks he's better than me.' I sit back and glare at the blonde idiot boasting about how he's a pureblood. Who cares if I have a few muggle in my family line?! That doesn't make him above me!
"Cameron! How does it feel having tainted blood in your veins?"
I grit my teeth as he laughs with the others. I have never been respected by the other Slytherin students. "That is enough!" I stand up and lunge toward Draco, pinning him against the wall by his throat. He whimpers as I pull my fist back. Everyone around us becomes silent. I lower my arm and loosen my grip around his throat. I'm not stooping that low.
"W-what the hell is your problem?! You're crazy!"
"Maybe if you would stop acting like you're the best thing that has came to be, then that wouldn't have happened!" I turn around and look at everyone else. "What are you looking at?"
They all go back to doing what they were doing. "You know what? I'm leaving!" I storm out of the common room.

~Time Skip~
I sit in my dorm room alone. My roommates are sleeping in other dorm rooms tonight. My mind begins to wander to earlier. 'He did look really good in that black suit of his today.' I shake my head. 'No! He did not look good, Cameron. What are you thinking?!' I lean back on my bed and sigh. I can't seem to stop thinking Draco. That stupid blonde has crawled into my brain. I sit back up and slip on a pair of shoes. "Lumos." My wand lights up and I slowly make my way out of my dorm and head to the common room. Once I get there, the portrait shakes away and groggily asks for the password. I say it and the portrait swings open. As I step inside, I notice one other person in there. His back is turned to me, but I'd recognize him anywhere. His blonde hair shines in the little light there is.
"Get ahold of yourself. You cannot begin to catch feelings for her. No, definitely not Cameron."
"What about me?" I take a few steps forward and he jumps out of his chair and holds out his wand. "Hey! Watch where you're pointing that thing!"
"Sorry, Cameron." He puts his wand away.
"Why did you mention my name, Malfoy?" I try to act rude, but I can't.
"Well, you see, after what you did today, I can't get your stupid face out of my head."
"The same thing is happening to me. It makes me sick." I pretend to gag and he glares at me.
"Stupid girl.... I can't believe we fancy each other."
"What?! Ew! No! I would never!" I stop and take a moment to think. 'Maybe I do fancy him. The way my heart is pounding is definitely odd.'
"Don't even try and deny it. You're face is bright red."
"I-It is not!"
Draco steps closer to me and presses his lips against mine roughly. He pulls away, smirking. "It surely is now."
I stomp my foot. "Be mine, you idiot."
"Whatever you say, stupid." He brings me in for another kiss filled with passion. All hate seems to melt away as he kisses me sweetly.
'I could get used to this.'

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