1: Cream of the crop

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[1: Cream of the crop]


Our car had pulled up to the front of the house where I could already feel the thumping music from inside. My heart beat picked up pace as I scooted closer to the roller door; squishing Trish in the process.

"Madeline!" She whined as I wrapped my arms excitedly around the 29 year old. The door then pulled back as Trish stepped out carefully -because of her heels. I tried to warn her- with me eagerly behind.

"Thank you." I thanked my escorts as usual and the pair of us came up to the front door where we loudly knocked. Not moments later, the door swung open for a widely grinned, short blonde haired familiar American to answer.

"Madeline!" Jennifer pulled me in for an embrace, my body more relax as she also found herself in heels.

"Jesus babe, I've missed you!" She took my hands in hers excitedly before pulling Trish for a cuddle.

"Come, come inside!" She hooted and took our hands as she guided us inside. There was a sound of loud laughs coming from outside, the outside area door open wide, as we came through.

A few people stood in the kitchen and I instantly recognised a few of the all to familiar leading cast of The Hunger Games.

"Josh!" I squealed like an overly excited fangirl, an inside joke we both shared.

"Madeline!" He gave me back the same amount of enthusiasm as we crushed ourselves in a hug.

"Why are you guys in the kitchen huh? I mean, is it a Hunger Games or something?" I joked, wiggling my hands beside me with a wide open smile on my face.

"You get worse and worse everyday with your jokes." Trish face palmed, smiling behind her hand.

Soon I was pulled into the arms of Liam Hemsworth; his hold one of security.

Us Australians have to stick together.

"How's my chicken nugget?" He teased as I pulled away pouting.

"I swear I'll kill Chris." Liam burst out laughing as I found myself joining. Not to long ago, his brother Chris and I teamed up for a movie. Long story short, we were at a snack table behind set and there was no chicken nuggets.

I was gravely upset.

"Alright, alright. Stop babbling and let's go outside to socialise!" Jennifer danced and took my wrist as both I and Trish were lead outside. Smelling the barbeque cooking up hot food already, I bit my lip at the thought of food.

My life revolves around three things.

Earing. Acting. And sleeping.

Maybe pooping too because that's pretty important.

Familiar televised faces and pop singers surrounded me as I bit my lip.

I'll never get used to this; het used to being such a fangirl in my teens and now being one of the celebrities everybody makes memes about. It's amazing.

I was given a plastic plate -because Jennifer obviously knows her expensive fulfilling style- and I was at the barbeque, coming across another face I had worked with.


The night had grown and the music blasted louder through the speakers. More people had turned up and footsteps were constantly roaming in and outside the house.

I was inside as of right now; being smart because of the mosquitos outside. There's no way I was becoming a blood bag! This ain't no vampire horror!

"We're alone on a dessert island. I turn to you and say..." The gorgeous 5 Seconds of Summer member, Ashton, read from his card as I looked through my deck.

I never had any funny cards while playing Cards Against Humanity. But when I somehow did, trust me to turn it into the most cheesiest, eye rolling gag you've ever heard.

I was last to hand my card in on Ashton's growing pile before he shuffles them. Licking his lips and laying the cards next to each other slowly on the counter -just to piss everyone off- he cracked his knuckles and wiggled his eyebrows at the table of players.

"Are you ready?"

"Just go you idiot!" Michael, his band member yelled as I sniggered a laugh. Ashton looked at me suspiciously as I shrugged, only to earn a wink.

"We're alone on a dessert island. I turn to you and say..." he takes his first card. "Deez nuts..." Oop, my card was first. There was a few chuckles around the table as I sucked in my lips, trying not to burst out laughing.

That's goddamn funny and nobody can tell me otherwise.

Ashton raised an eyebrow at me before a glint flew around in his eyes. He knew it was mine.

"Your humour lacks Miss Johnston." Everyone glanced at me as I then let out my full hearted laughs and smack my thigh in hysterics.

"I-it's funny!" I choked out, carefully wiping tears from my eyes. All knows that Trish will slap me senseless if she found out I ruined her makeup.

"You're so cute." Jennifer teases as she pokes my side.

"I-I'm out." I turned my cards in and stood, knowing I'd piss myself if I stayed any longer.

Taking short strides outside, I reached  the blue esky round the table and pulled out a scotch can. This would be my forth round in just over two hours. I was slightly feeling the alcoholic pull but not enough to kick my dignity out the door.

A buzz from my phone vibrated in the back pocket of my pants, making me pull my phone out while I made my way back inside.

Trish sent me a photo of her sitting in the living room; a peace sign with her tongue out and everything. I couldn't help but smile.

Sometimes she's a wil-

A body then knocked into mine as I snapped my head up from my phone screen while a pair of hands steadied my shoulders.

The drink I had was felt running over my lower stomach as well as the other person somewhere. Their mumble making it clear that they suffered the same fate I did.

"Damn." Looking up, I restrained myself from yelling in pure shock at the celebrity.

An A lister. Hot. Singer. Teenage heartthrob. Also known as freaking Harry Styles.

I just bumped into Harry Styles everybody!

"Are you alright love?" Looking up to meet his gaze, I instantly found my eyes looking over the entirety of everything from his shoulders up.

"I'm ok. Are you alright?" He offered a smile and took his hands off my shoulders as we looked down ourselves.

"Just a little spill. Nothing a good wash won't fix." Wiping the drink off of me as Harry spoke, I then looked in the can to see half the contents gone.

Shit. And I wanted to savour every drop.

"Hey," looking up, he gave me a brief scrunch of his face before pointing at me playfully, "I know you."

I copied him.

"I think I know you too."

His voice was deeper in person. And his looks mighty fine as well. Certainly the cream of the crop wasn't he?


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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