22: Cats out of the bag

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[22: Cats out of the bag]


Last night was pretty eventful. I honestly wasn't expecting to burst into tears like that.

I'm usually so level headed, I can hold my own and smile my worries away. But I guess there are moments I have where I completely breakdown. And unfortunately, Harry and the others had to see it.

It's not moments that I'm proud of, but obviously moments I need. I am only human after all.

Harry had messaged me twice this morning. Asking how I was doing and if I was ok. I was too embarrassed right at this moment to answer him.

I wanted to talk to somebody; but Trish and Brandon went out together for the day. It wasn't easy to persuade them to have fun because of what happened. But I'm a big girl now. And I need to sort all of my shit by myself.

I'm the only one that has to live with myself 24/7 so it's only realistic for me to solve my problems.

Niall: baaaaabe xxx ;)

I smiled down at Niall's conversation opener and typed back. He didn't know what was going on -hopefully- so it wouldn't hurt to chat.

Me: hey buddy :))

Niall: hey beautiful x I was hoping you'd be up. Gets a bit lonely here ya know?

Me: we'll I'm glad you're not lonely anymore :) x

Niall: facetime?? ;)

Just as I was about to reply, a knock came on the door. That's weird. Trish should have a spare key with her. Unless the idiot forgot to take it.

I laughed to myself and came around to the front door.

Me: give me a second..

Lowering the phone in my grasp, I pulled back the door handle to go wide eyed. What was he doing here? He didn't give me any warning.

"Hey, Madeline."

"H-Harry?" He gave a quick smile and stuffed his hands back into his coat. "What-how do you know where I'm staying?" This was insane. I hadn't told him anything!

"Trish might have helped with that." Oh thanks Trish. Thanks a lot. "Can I come in?" Biting my bottom lip, I nodded and stepped aside as Harry came in with an appreciative smile. With a slow shut of the door, I ran a hand through my messy hair and turned to him.


"I'm sorry!" He blurted and took me in his arms. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. God I'm so sorry. I never wanted to make you cry. It pained me to see you that way."

His fingers gripped tightly at my baggy shirt as I was near glued to his chest.

"No, no please don't be. It's alright." My hands rested on his lower back. "I had one of my shitty moments. I'm sorry you had to see that."

He pulled back and held my shoulders as his eyes scanned my face. I had somewhat grown accustomed to his stare. I mean not completely. But it's more durable now.

"I should tell you the reason," Harry bit his lip nervously, "the reason why I shouted in the first place." I wasn't sure if I really wanted to hear this, but I guess I wanted to know.

"Ok." We exchanged a nod and Harry took my hand in his. My eyes slightly widened as he pulled us to the couch. We sat down only to feel my phone vibrate. Probably a message from Niall.

Harry looked pretty serious about what he was going to say, so I put the phone behind me and waited.

His hand cautiously took mine again and he let his thumb softly caress it. I knew his hands were big but god-damn! Maybe I was just tiny all over. Except the stomach of course.

Blame McDonald's.

"I," Harry tightened his hand around mine and wracked through his brain. Whatever he wanted to say, he was having real trouble with it, "when we talked about you leaving..."

"Spit it out, come on." I tightened my hand on his as he lifted his chin making us now eye level.

"I assumed you liked Niall. When we -when we were talking about who you'd miss most." My head turned in confusion as I had a slim idea of where this conversation was heading.

There was no way though. I'd be dreaming if it was two boys in one week that said that.

"And I didn't like that Madeline. I don't want you to miss him like - like a crush sort of miss him."

"Harry?" I mumbled, my heart racing from my chest.

"I want," he bit his lip before tugging at the back of his neck where his hair moved with him, "I want you to-to miss... me. Me most." My eyes widened at his confession.

Shit. This is actually what I thought it was.

"I don't want you to like Niall because, I-I like you." Cats out of the bag now.

"Shit..." I breathed as he brought ours hands up and carefully pushed his fingers through mine.

"You were so interesting when we met and I liked that. How you have this optimistic approach to life. And when I saw you cry yesterday," I tensed at the memory, "I saw that you were human too. I mean, of course you are. I-it's just, you know, I like to see that. Not you crying of course!" He rambled.

I think instead of cupids arrow, the angel flew down instead and just beat me senseless with its bow. Little bastard.

I'm flattered; anyone would be. I just don't know how to react when two of the most wanted men on the planet confess to liking you.

"You're very intelligent and witty and I wouldn't mind getting to know you. I don't mean to put this on you now and I-"

My hand rose and covered his mouth as he silently complied. He glanced at my hand before looking back up at me. I smiled at him, at his sweet confession. It was a lot more heartfelt than Niall's; but that doesn't mean Niall isn't as wonderful as Harry is.

"Do you want to date me?" I didn't bother holding back the question on my mind. If he can come out with his feelings then my curiosity can do the same.

Harry nodded behind my hand, and his eyes crinkled a little like he was smiling; probably was.

Slowly taking my hand away, I looked over his face. Just taking him in for the first time like this. Examining him at a close range and not being embarrassed or questioned.

Harry didn't seem to mind. In fact, he embraced it. His hand cupped my right elbow, the spot just below my late late tattoo.

My tattoo.

My eyes averted down to his arms, looking for the matching inked skin. And finally I found it just below his bicep. There we are.


"I'm not easy Harry." I tore my gaze from his particular tattoo and shifted back on the couch. Harry bit his lip and moved with me though I put a hand on his chest to stop him. "I've said this once and I'll say it again. You want me, you gotta work for me. And I mean really work."

He didn't say anything. His hand just took mine on his chest and encased it into his warmth. That hardcore stare of his returning as he nodded a firm nod.

And I knew he would work. For how long I don't know. But knowing Harry Styles, he was very persistent.


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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