26: My Teabags

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[26: My Teabags]


3 days. I had 3 days until I left for The States. Trish was organising some party for our departure and Brandon was helping her.

I was too tired in all honesty. Ever since Harry had dropped me off a few days ago, we haven't done anything together since. I think he might be too scared of a confrontation if he comes to visit me.

I won't bite. It's just that I don't like people forcing themselves on me. Especially after I've told them to stop.

I cringed at the thought. I have my personal reasons for that belief and I plan on sticking to it.

"Hello? Earth to Madeline?" I looked up again at my phone screen to see Niall smiling at me. "You blanked out there."

"Oh," I blinked back pulling my blankets closer around me, "sorry."

"Are you alright babe? You look out of it." I sighed flopping onto my back. "Where are the lights?!" I smiled to myself and pulled the phone up again so Niall could see me.

"I'm just a little tired I guess. I gotta leave in three days then go sort myself out for another movie." Niall munched away on his chips. "I mean, I'm obviously grateful for having the opportunity to get the role. I'm just a little tired from runnin around so much. You feel me?"

"I understand." Niall nodded. "One Direction went on a break for a little while about two years ago, and it felt so nice to not have things scheduled." I listened attentively to him speak. "But after a little while, when your break is finished and you get back into it, you feel like a new person."

I tilted my head at him as he grinned at me.

"You think so?"

"I know so. Trust me."

Groaning, I grasped my pillow and pulled it into my chest.

"I wanna cuddle buddy."

"You offering?" Niall joked though his eyes watched to see if I was actually being serious.

"Not so fast leprechaun. I don't even know you that well."

"We could change that you know. Just let me buy you dinner." I huffed at him.

"You'll just feel me up pervert."

"No I won't!" He defended as I raised an eyebrow. "Not at first anyway. Maybe I'll seduce you and then feel you up. That way you'll want it later." I scoffed at the cheeky boy.

"How are you single Niall?" Surely with that sexual drive he'd have a girl by now.

"Would you like to change that?"

I was so done. The cheeky little boy had already worn me out.

"I gotta go." I pulled the phone closer as his eyes widened. "Talk soon?"

"Don't leave me Madeline!" He yelled dramatically as I blew a kiss before ending the call on his long prologue "no!"

"He hasn't seen the last of me." I whispered and sat up yawning. Deciding to check my laptop -for the first time in forever- I bounced off the bed and reached into my suitcase where it was packed away nice and neat.

Just because I barely use it doesn't mean it gets treated like Trash. I wish I could say the same for a handful of clothes packed in my case - against my will. Mother thought some of the clothes would look nice or keep me warm. Keeping body heat I understand, but to be caught on camera in a knitted sweater mascoting beavers? I don't think so.

My fingers tapped along the keyboard as I plugged in the device and watched it turn itself on.

You know what? I haven't had a pick me up this morning -or was it afternoon?-. Eh, tomatoe, tomarto.


"Yeah?" I brought myself from my room to see Trish and her permanent boy toy to be cuddling on the couch. The were dressed in their jammies watching some kind of Jaws movie.

"Nevermind." I waved her off and made my way into the kitchen. There had to be some kind of teabags stored away in here somewhere right?

As I searched through the cabinets, I came to find that, that wasn't exactly the case.

"God why?" I muttered leaning down to my knees to knock a cabinet door. "Ugh, like you're gonna..." I trailed off opening it to see a box full of teabags. "Victory!" I cried.

"You ok?"

"She's fine!"

Trish answered her boyfriend's question as I took out a packet of the goodness.

"Thank you Lipton for being so supportive. You're now my favorite brand." Look at me, talking to my soon-to-be drink like some sort of sap.

My feet soon carried me back into my room too see my laptop had loaded to the user screen.

"I'm so pretty. Oh so pretty." I began to sing to myself as I logged in. The tabs quickly loaded up with my home screen of myself.

It's a really good picture ok?!

I accessed the wifi easily and opened my emails.

13'276 unread messages

All I can say is... thank god I have somebody checking these daily.

Going through to my favorites, I scanned my eyes down the list to see an email from the man I should be seeing soon.

Ron Howard
to me
14 hours ago...

Here is a broken down script of your upcoming film Madeline. Please skip through to page 3-144. You will be thoroughly known as Delilah and your supporting act, Christian. Read through and hold any questions you have for me until the 4th of December.

Kind regards,
Ron Howard.

I have to read from page 3, to page 144? Is this man livid? Jesus, well... I guess I can have a look through today seeing as nothing is planned.

Thank God. Sometimes I need these days to myself.

My eyes trained over my now downloaded script as I read off the wonderful Adobe. Nice easy sight but not much of place to edit is it? Ugh.

Hearing a buzz from my phone, I glanced over to see a message from Instagram.

No Madeline! Ignore it!

Trying my best to ignore the pity message, I found my mind wandering from the script and over to the message.


I snatched the phone and read over it; knowing I'd have to turn it off afterwards if I wanted to get anywhere with this email.

Niall: haven't seen you in person in aggggeees! ! Thanks for hanging up btw... :( but you wanna go for coffee tomorrow ? I want to show you something?

Should I? I mean, unless that thing he wants to show me is his dick. Need to make sure it isn't...


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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