3: Instagram got me like...

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[3: Instagram got me like...]


The next morning like I had assumed, Trish had the worst hangover and grouchiest temper. Dealing with a hungover Trish is like putting your hand into a shark tank.

Downing some of my own panadol, I had given Trish something much stronger along with a cup of water.

She huffed quietly on the couch, still wrapped up in the same blanket as last night while I wiped the smudged makeup from her face. Early Saturday cartoons were on play behind me and I couldn't help but smile at Trish's pout.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked as she looked up at me while I pulled the dirty wipe away.

"Not hungry..." She mumbled as I chuckled and stood up.

"Well I'm going to make some pancakes. I'll leave some for you if you change your mind." Which she will. Of course she will. In fact, she'll probably try to finish off my plate as well as hers.

Trish hummed in response as I flicked through the channels of the TV until I came across a station playing pop music videos.

Deciding on that, I made my way into the kitchen and threw away the dirty wipe filled with a face full of makeup before mixing pancake batter.

The morning was nice and the sun cast a nice gleam through the kitchen window. It was a nice change to not get up around dawn all the time.

"Madeline!" I heard Trish whine and stepped momentarily away from the stove.


"Can I have some O.J?" Quietly chucking at her reference to orange juice, I slipped it out of the fridge and threw the bottle at her. "No cup?"

"What am I? Your slave?" With a defeated slump of her shoulders, she twisted the lid of and drank from the bottle.

"-drag me down!"

My eyes lifted to the TV to see an old song play along the plasma. This song must have come out a couple of years ago. But I guess it was still what everybody listened to.

"We met them last night," I spoke leaning on the back of the couch beside Trish, "just Harry and Niall though."

"We did?" I nodded watching the camera swerve around the boys in what had to be the outside of an airport. "Madeline?"

"Hmm?" I smiled down at Trish for her to point her finger back to the kitchen.

"You're burning the pancakes!" She whispered as my eyes widened.

"The pancakes!" I cried running back into the kitchen.

Well... there was only one burnt pancake out of the batch. Trish wouldn't notice if I slipped it onto her plate would she?

Nah. We're all good.


Trish had finally finished her breakfast and put her plate on the coffee table as I swung my head back for another mouthful of orange juice.

"We're they nice?" She suddenly asked as I looked at her, cheeks full of juice. "Harry and Niall." Passing the drink to her, I nodded my head and pulled my phone out. "Words. Use your words Madeline."

With a massive swallow, I did.

"They were." I opened my Instagram app as I spoke. "You know, for two boys that are four years older than me, we sure had a lot in common."

"Like what?" Trish asked looking down at her toes; my memory of last night came back of her drunk state; I chuckled.

"Our senses of humour." Her eyes looked deadpanned at me as I opened up my search box for the two boys on the app.

"Well, they really must be corny old men." I kicked her thigh softly, my eyes never looking away from my phone as she groaned.

"My sense of humour is amazing!"

"Said no one ever." She mumbled, my eyes flickering up to see her suppress a smile.

"Hey! They have Instagram!" I chirped following both the boys and looking through their photos.

"Well of course they do. They're pop stars." Harry hadn't updated anything in a few weeks, and all of his photos were black and white with simple captions. Though Niall updated a photo last night from the party. Just him, Harry, Jennifer and a handful of other celebrities. Hey! I think that's Ashton!

Well I know the first thing he'll say to me if we're trapped on an island together...

Immediately getting a notification, I clicked on the tab to smile widely.

Niall Horan is now following you

What a babe.

I decided to directly message him with an opening photo of a bowl of lollies I took a few days ago.

Me: heyyy :)

He didn't respond right away and I didn't expect him to. He had literally thousands of fans trying to contact him every day.

Suddenly, Trish had switched positions and laid her head down on my lap along with the cushion. I smiled at my friend and patted her head as she closed her eyes.

Niall: hey ;)

Well, that was a lot quicker key than I thought. He actually saw my message.

Me: nice officially meeting you last night :) turns out you're not so old :')

I smiled at my cheeky message and found my hand subconsciously begin to run through Trish's hair.

It took a few minutes and Niall still hadn't replied back, so I searched through my feed to look at some quick hair and nail styling videos.

There's no way I could do that. Maybe Trish could help. Later of course. When she wasn't so grumpy and cuddly.

Niall: thanks !! :') you're not so bad yourself :)

Another message popped up as I ran a hand through my untamed hair.

Niall: hold on..

Raising an eyebrow, I waited a small moment for him to continue whatever the hell he was doing.

Niall: check your notifications babe ;)

Well that escalated. Doing as he said, I opened up my notification tab again and scrolled through my feed.

Many strangers -or fans I hoped- liked my photos and commented various stuff on it. Even if it was supportive feedback, I tend not to look at it anyway. I learnt the hard way that you can't always impress everyone.

Then something popped out a short scroll in.

Harry Styles is now following you

Niall: see it?
Niall: tell me you see it xx

I smiled and decided to write back my last reply for a while. Trish had the right idea to sleep in after a party the night before.

Me: I saw it :''''') my tears of joy xx
Me: hey I'll see you at Grahams on Thursday yeah? ;)

And with that, I left the conversation.


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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