34: Being His

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[34: Being His]


"Shut up!" I snapped, slapping Zac's hand away from me. "You disgusting pig!"

"Sweetheart, it's not-"

"-what it looks like? Really?" I growled as his eyes softened to ones of hurt. "So I didn't walk in to see you fucking that girl, need I remind the one that has been trying to tear us apart, just now?" He was quiet. The room was quiet. "Yeah. I didn't think so."

Turning, I made my way towards the room door to feel hands suddenly grab my shirt.

"Christian! What-"

His hand cupped the back of my neck as he smashed our lips together. My eyes narrowed as I pushed him away, though he didn't budge.

I was supposed to concave into him. After what he had done and I was supposed to fall into his arms.

Zac slowly pulled away and panted down at me as I looked away.

"I love you Delilah." His fingers tilted my chin up. "I do." After a short stare off, I cracked a smile and snorted into my hand.

Zac raised an amused eyebrow before watching me burst into hysterics. Gripping the wall for support, I laughed hard and loud with Zac soon joining.

"T-that was so i-intense!" Zac slid down the wall as I stumbled back to the table, putting my script down.

My phone blinked a blue light, saying I had a message.

"Why are we laughing?" Zac smiled wiping his teary eyes as I unlocked my phone shrugging.

"Because why not?" He smiled brightly up at me and watched me slide in beside him.

"We're gonna get along real well you and I." I opened Twitter and scoffed playfully at Zac.

"So for the past week we haven't?" He winked as I nudged his shoulder to read the message from Harry.

@HarryStyles: how are you love? Talk to me !! :(

"Harry huh?" Zac teased as he stood up. "You guys dating?"

"Well, no not really. But we do like each other." Perching himself on the table, Zac sips his drink.

"Then why not date?" A deep sigh heaved from my chest as I replied to Harry.

"It's complicated."

@_MaddyLane_: I'm having a read through my script Harry :") why so clingy?? :')

@HarryStyles: if me missing you is clingy then I'm clingy :) xx

"How is it complicated?" Zac asked as I looked up. "If you like somebody than date them. Easy as that."

"Well, Zac," I began explaining to the one coming from a happy relationship, "Harry likes me. But somebody else likes me. And I like them both. So that's why it's complicated."

He tilted his head, lifting his knee so he could rest his elbow on it.

"It shouldn't be." He shrugged as my phone buzzed. "Wanna know why?" I chuckled at my friend.

"Why Zac?"

"Because whether you know it or not, you've already picked the one you want to be with. You just don't realise it yet."

@HarryStyles: god, it's been a week and I miss you so much xx its no fun here in Ireland without you :(

"And you don't want to be cruel and hurt one of them. So you'll push away the confrontation you know you will have soon." I cringed back.

He was right. Hurting Niall or Harry was the last thing I wanted. I wanted to decide and have it over with but I didn't want to be the bitch that makes the decision.

"When did you become a relationship guru?" I teased as Zac laughed, running a hand through his hair.

"Believe it or not, I know what you're going through." My phone buzzed as I tightened my grip around the device. Zac looked at it. "Whoever is texting you, you better text them back. Before they get suspicious." With a playful wink, I watched Zac leave up and out of the room as my eyes directed me back to the phone screen.

@HarryStyles: hey I was wondering.. can I have your number? I want to hear your voice love. Xx


I stepped into the elevator and dug out my blaring phone from my pant pocket. An unknown contact was calling though I had a hunch on who it was.

"Hello?" I pressed the hotel floor button I was staying on before watching the doors slowly close.

"Hi Madeline." The familiar voice rung throughout the phone.

"Harry," I smiled leaning against the elevator railings, "What brings you to call so early?"

"I miss you." He answered as my face softened at the sweet boy. "Performing and recording is great, and Ireland is lovely. But I miss you so much and I wish you were here."

"Aw, Harry boo!" I teased to hear him chuckle. "I've only got six days left before I fly out. I'll be coming to Ireland."

"Good. Because you didn't have a choice." My eyebrow perked as the elevator dinged before the doors opened.

"Oh really?" I smiled, walking up the foyer and to the apartment door.

"Yes really," you could hear the playfulness in his voice, "or else I'd have to fly around the world to find you." Would he? Eh, all in gest.

"Well I'm flattered." I unlocked the door and stepped into the apartment, instantly regretting it.

"Brandon! Oh! Oh fuck!"

"Madeline?" Harry asked as I quietly shut the door and ran to my room. The moans were coming from the living room so that's the first place to avoid. "What's going on?"

I shut and locked my door with a sigh. "Oh you know... just have two people having sex in my apartment."

"Oh." Harry replied awkwardly.

"Yeah, welcome to my life." Falling back onto the bed, I rolled around on it until my head finally landed on the pillows.

"How's your movie going movie star?" Harry teased, thankfully changing the subject.

"Well, Zac Efron is amazing."

"What?" He yelled as I flinched back. "What do you mean he's amazing?" Oh shit; it just got real.

"You know, to act with. He's an amazing actor." A small audible oh left Harry's side of the phone.

"I thought you meant something else." Oh what a jealous boy.

"Why would I want to do anything else with him when I have you waiting for me?"

"You're adorable baby girl," the pet name had my heart flutter, "I can't wait to see you."

"Neither can I." I smiled before hearing my phone buzz. "Oh, hang on." I pulled the phone away to check I had an Instagram message. "From Niall..."

I muttered.

"You talk to Niall?"

"Well yeah, course I do." The other end went silent. "Why would you ask?" Harry grumbled on the other side.

"Because..." he barely mumbled his answer.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?" I asked putting the phone on loud speaker.

"Because you're mine."


Copyrighted 2016. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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