20: Good ol' McDonald's

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[20: Good ol' McDonald's]


"-it's the one! It's the only! Madeline Rose!"

The crowd erupted into screams as I descended down the stairs with a wide smile and constant wave. The audience sounded so loud; that was always a good sign that they were consistent laughers.

"Baby!" Alan cooed as we embraced at the bottom of the stairs.

"I missed you Alan."

"I missed you too!" Pulling away, he took my hand and walked us over to the couches as the crowd slowly settled down. "Jesus, you're lookin slim! Have you lost weight? You have haven't-cha?"

I bit my lip and smiled deviously as the host.

"You sayin I was fat before?" The crowd erupted into laughter as Alan waved me off and smiled his toothy grin.

"Course not! Anyway, let's get some drinks in us yeah? What do ya fancy? We've got some margarita. Some wine."

"Is that a baileys bottle?"

"Oh yes! Would you like some?" I raised a really eyebrow at him.

"Nah, I just mentioned it to look at." More laughter spurred as Alan hit my shoulder and poured two glasses.

"Cheeky little thing aren't ya? God I missed you."

"I missed you as well."

Our conversation dived deeper and the audience hurled into laughter a lot of the time which had me a indent a continuous smile. I loved my job and I loved the people I associated myself with.

"I heard that you were thinking about writing a script for a new movie."

"Yeah, yeah that's true." Ooh's played throughout the room as I chuckled to myself.

"Well come on! Tell me everything!" Sitting forward and putting my hands in my lap, I began.

"Well, I have always had these story ideas whirl around in my head ever since I was just reaching into adulthood. And my fingers have been itching away for them to transfer onto paper. But I'm not quite sure if anybody will like them so, I'll see how it goes."

"Are you joking? Everybody will love them!" The crowd cried out in agreement as I smiled at the people hidden behind the stage lights. "So come on! Just give us a sneak peek of an idea."

Alan leaned closer as I rubbed my neck.

"I mean, I guess." I played on my soon to be joke. "Ok, so my idea is about this lady that plays a stripper for a living," Alan gasped in chuckles as single hurls of laughter morphed, "and she comes across this talking dog that had quit his old job from being a pimp. And-"

"Maddy! Maddy stop it!" Alan hid his face. "You're giving me nightmares love." I laughed as he sat up; me sipping from my strong beverage. "Be serious love, come on."

I smirked between Alan, the audience and the cameras.

"Oh, well then I'm not saying." I zipped my lips as people began shouting pleas to hear my ideas. "I want it to be a surprise for all of you.  I'm not even quite sure myself. But the other idea sounds pretty good right?"

Alan patted my hand as he announced to the cameras that we'll continue our chatting after the short ad break. That gave me time to readjust and get ready for live television again.


The show ended fantastically. Me trying to beat box and Alan rapping which was just as good as my set of skills. We were both terrible but people loved it; laughing their asses off the entire time.

"You did great!" I had a big cuddle from Trish as always and a small embrace from Brandon.

"I'm feeling takeout after this." I said as a stage worker came up and took my microphone off. I thanked him as he stepped away.

"Well, we'll be ordering for four then." I raised an eyebrow as she winked at me. "You have a visitor." Pointing behind me, I turned to see who it was.

"H-Harry?" He smiled as he stepped away from the dresser and walked over to me.

"Hello love." He quickly had his arms around me as I pulled closer so I didn't knock other people around.

"What are you doing here?" I asked stunned as he grinned down at me and pulled me out of everyone's way. We came behind the door, near a large pot plant, and continued our situation.

"I came to support you." He shrugged as I blinked back. "We're friends now right? That means I gotta look after you."

Harry Styles, just punch me in my heart and get this over with you sappy lovable fuck.

"Well, I guess I owe you late, late dinner." He furrowed his brows.


"For being Mr CareBear over here." I punched his shoulder before taking his wrist. "Come on." Pulling him with me to Trish and Brandon, we all left the facility and out the back door.

"I parked around the side." Harry pointed. "I can just follow your car."

"Nonsense!" Trish waved off as Brandon climbed into our mode of transport. "Madeline, go with him and be a good girlfriend." Was she serious?

Rolling my eyes, I nodded and gave her a flimsy salute before looking at Harry.

"You heard the woman." Harry smiled and nodded as we both made our way through the alley and into the parking lot.

Shit. I was not expecting this.

"Harry!" Paps.

God fucking dammit. Of course there was paparazzi. Not that I hated them. Far from it. It's just Harry and I were now getting snapped together outside of any events.

I remembered what Harry said at the fashion show. Not specifically but the main moral.

Don't let other people affect my decisions.

With that thought, I lifted my head high as both of us were swarmed with cameras.

Harry lightly put a hand on my back and guided me over to the passenger side of the car. I gave a silent nod of thanks as he fought off flashes to his side of the car.

With a quick smile to the people hoarding around the car, Harry revved the engine to life and reversed us out of the park.

Soon the car was rolling smoothy on the road as Trish began calling.

"Where are you?" She asked.

"Just left the studio. Where do you want to meet?"


Ah, good ol' McDonald's. It has become our best friend in times like this.


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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