28: Buy my Affection

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[28: Buy my Affection]


@HarryStyles: so party at yours tonight??

@_MaddyLane_: yeah just swing around 6 and we'll leave to the venue :)

Trish had hired out a venue just down the road out of her credit card. It's crazy she'd do that for us. I tried to persuade her to use my money but she refused being the stubborn one she is. God I love that girl.

"So we have about twenty max coming to this going away party." She explained touching over my eye shadow.

"I'm surprised you didn't invite more Trish." I smiled as she laughed shaking her head.

"I wanted to keep this one small. I mean, it is just before Christmas and we are just going away." True. So there wasn't really a reason to make this party such a big thing.

Plus, I'd like more than anything not to turn up to the airport completely hungover. I'm not even sure they'll let you fly into high altitude in that state.

"The boys are gonna love you tonight." She smiled putting her blending brush down and gripping my shoulders. I bit my lip lowering my gaze to the rings on my fingers.

I hadn't told Trish yet what I had heard at the market lady tell me today. I guess it's because I want to figure this one out on my own. And what she said doesn't really change anything; it just gives me an insight on the situation.

Though the lady could easily be wrong and have predicted something that won't happen. But I have a hunch that she was right.

"If you had to choose," Trish began and plugged in her curling iron as we waited for it to heat up, "between Harry and Niall." Oh god. "Who would you choose?"

I haven't really thought of that.

"I don't know Trish." I shrugged, answering in all honestly. If I had to choose a boy right at this very moment, I don't know who I'd choose.

Niall is a big pervert, but he is a nice guy with good intentions. Well... hopefully. That's what he let's on.

And Harry is a sweet protective guy that just finds it hard to restrain himself sometimes. I think-no. I know he's never hit a woman and wouldn't think of it ever. But just like Niall, they both have that sexual drive in a way.

And I'm finding it hard to choose between them both.

"Well you'd better find out soon." She easily brushed through my untangled hair before beginning to weave in the curling iron. "Time is running out."

"I know. And that's what sucks the most."

But maybe eventually they'll both lose interest in me and move on. Maybe, I don't know. But I don't think they've had a real challenge in a while, so this was somewhat fun to them.

But I know that it's the rejection which isn't that fun. But it's inevitable.


Niall: nearly there babe :) xxx

Reading over Niall's message he sent 5 minutes ago, I sighed and let my shoes tap against each other.

Trish said there was going to be some alcoholic beverages tonight, and that I should get wasted if I wanted to.

You can get wasted if you want Madeline. There's no law against it.

I don't think she understands that we have a booked flight tomorrow and that if we're hungover, or still even drunk, that we won't be going anywhere.

And I can't miss this meeting. My agent has made that very clear.

A knock sounded at the door, pulling me from my thoughts and up to my feet. That should be Niall now.

Dragging my feet to the hotel door, I opened it up to scrunch my face. "Harry?"

I was not expecting this.

"Hello." He smiled wearily and rubbed his neck. "Can I, uh, come in?" I nodded stepping aside as he came into the apartment. "You look beautiful by the way."

Turning to him, I glanced down at myself before looking up at the awkwardly shy boy in front of me.

He's nervous. Why is he nervous? He doesn't need to be.

"Thank you." I smiled and stepped forward. If I was leaving, I didn't want to leave us on awkward terms. I have to give him a bit of credit for turning up at all. "C'mere."

Harry smiled at my invitation for a hug and quickly took it. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist as I embraced him back just as passionately.

I wanted to pull away, but I wanted to see if Harry would do it first. Which didn't exactly happen, so we were hugging for a little longer than expected.

"You could let go now." I chuckled as he shook his head and buried it onto my shoulder.

"I don't want to." A smile stretched across my face as my hands began to play with his soft hair.

"Madeli-oh." I looked over to see Brandon coming into the room. With a smile, I let my hands run down to Harry's chest. He didn't seem to like the idea of us pulling away, but complied anyway.

"Yeah?" I made my way to Brandon and watched him clear his throat and stable himself. It was actually a bit entertaining.

"Trish just wanted to know which one you'd prefer. Vodka or Cruisers?" I can't hold my Vodka, and if I choose Vodka then I defeat the purpose of waking up a sober.

"Cruisers." He nodded at me and smiled politely at Harry before offering a quick handshake.

"Good to see you again."

"You too." Harry smiled as Brandon left back to the kitchen. Another knock came on the door and Harry and I turned to it. "Who's that?"

He asked as I walked over to the entrance.

"It should be Niall." Harry's face fell into one of a frown.


I opened the door to immediately be greeted by strong arms.

"You can't leave!" Was the first thing Niall blurted as he pulled me into him. I laughed at the boy and returned his embrace; though his was one that seemed to get tighter and tighter.

"C-can't, b-breathe." This boy was killing me.

"Oh, sorry." He whispered and pulled away as I inhaled nice and deep. "Here." Niall held out a small bouquet of flowers as my eyes widened. "I know it's not much but I didn't want you to leave with nothing."

Shit; why is he such a sweetheart?

"Butthead." I took the flowers and gave him a big embrace. He was very sweet, and he was working for it. But I don't want him to assume that he can buy my affection.

Shaking the thought off, I smiled in the moment. That's all that matters.


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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