10: Too nice for my own good

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[10: Too nice for my own good]


Turns out that Harry's emergency wasn't really an emergency. He just wanted advice on if wearing a fedora hat to a fashion show is appropriate.

I told him it wouldn't matter what he wore because nobody would really question it. He is Harry Styles and I know he can pull off anything ge wears.

As for Niall, I accepted his offer. I was told it was at a private revenue just for he and his guests. Hopefully it won't be awkward as I don't know anybody that Niall is friends with.

Unless I've met them of course.

Me: what do I wear??? :(

Niall: something that won't hurt to walk around in :)

Me: I'm comin in a rag. Thanks buddy :')

Niall: we'll be matching then :") xx

I've grown accustomed to Niall's sense of humour. I mean, I obviously knew he had it before but when he talks to me one on one with it, it just brightens our conversation.

Putting the phone down, I looked up to see Trish joining me back at our table. All you can eat buffets were practically heaven.

You can eat as much as you want for next to nothing. Well... For me that's how it felt.

"Can you believe there's a cue to the toilets?" Trish asked settling back into her pasta and side of salad.

"Really?" I asked swallowing down my apple crumble and looking around. "But there's like, nobody here."

"That's because they're all in the toilets." That sucks.

"Well it leaves the buffet open for us to take as much food as possible." I wiggled my eyebrows pushing away my empty bowl. "I want some custard." She waved me off and took out her phone as I slipped out and to the food.

Now when I said custard, I probably forgot to mention that the custard will be covering my bread and butter pudding. Sorry not sorry.

What even is a diet?

A mountain of food piled into my bowl as I slid back into the booth. Trish began wiggling her eyebrows at me as I looked at her with a mouthful of food; with one look I can guarantee I resembled a chipmunk.

"Harry is calling for you." She waved her phone as I sighed, taking out mine. That didn't stop me from eating though. Oh no. With food, you learn to multitask.

@HarryStyles: heard you were going to Jared's party tomorrow

I raised an eyebrow.

@_MaddyLane_: who's Jared ?????

@HarryStyles: Niall's friend

So that was the hosts name. Well, glad to know that.

@_MaddyLane_: ohhhh :) how'd you know?? :/

@HarryStyles: because I'm going as well silly :p

Oh god. So that means I'd see Harry tomorrow and the day after. What blessing is this?

@_MaddyLane_: coooooolllll! !!! :) so excited :) made me day xx

@HarryStyles: hahaha glad I did :))

"Madeline." I looked up at Trish that leant over and wiped dribbling custard from my chin.

"Oh!" I swallowed down and smiled thankfully at my friend. "Thanks!" She playfully rolled her eyes as my phone buzzed.

@HarryStyles: hope you know that there will be alcohol :o !

@_MaddyLane_: course !! It's a party innit??

@HarryStyles: we'll none for you missy :p have a show to go to remember?

@_MaddyLane_: does that mean you're on babysitting watch? :")

@HarryStyles: ;) xx

"U-uh," I turned my screensaver off and looked up to see a younger girl with a similar older looking boy approach our table. She looked extremely nervous; like she was about to burst into tears, "M-Madeline?"

My eyes softened as I saw her hands shake while tightly grasping her phone.

"Hello sweetie." I smiled and reached out to take her hand in mine. Her eyes widened as she latched that hand onto me.

"I-I love you so m-much!" She cried as her brother -I assume- rubbed her back.

"Oh c'mere sweetheart." Pulling her into the booth beside me, I wrapped my arms around her head as she cried into my chest. "I'm so happy you came and said hello."

It took her awhile but she had calmed down, Trish faintly smiling at us from across the table.

"C-can..." She held up her phone.

"Of course." I smiled as she snuggled deeper into my side as she opened up her camera. "You're very beautiful." I complimented as she giggled slightly embarrassed. "What's your name sweetheart?"

"R-Roxanne." Kissing her cheek, I snapped a photo to hear her light laughter.

We took a few more photos between us, Roxanne growing more and more comfortable. She couldn't have been out of primary school yet. Maybe just about.

"How long have you been here?" I gestured to the restaurant to see her brother smile and subtly leave our table.

"N-not long."

"Where's your family sweetie?" She pointed away towards the left side of us.


"What a freaking surprise..." Trish mumbled and smiled behind her drink.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come and sit with us." I offered as her eyes widened.

"R-really?" I shrugged.

"Yeah. You right with that Trish?" She smiled warmly down at Roxanne.

"Course." Roxanne instantly got to her feet, telling us she'd be back. "That was nice." Trish said as I looked up at her and started again on my food.

"I love my fans." I explained as she texted away smiling.

When I was younger, I had only wished that if I saw my idol that they would be kind and generous. Of course they were, but I wanted to go beyond that. I want to stoke fans and do stuff celebrities don't do often.

Like invite fans to dine with them.

Roxanne came back to our table with her drink and I scooted over, patting the seat beside me.

"That was quick." And I was surprised she had permission so easily.

"Derek said he'd tell mum I was sitting with friends." She blushed as I bit my lip, wanting to surprise her a bit further.

"Hey Roxanne," she looked up at me, "you know Niall Horan right?" Her eyes widened.

"Y-yeah?" I chuckled.

"Wanna facetime him?"

I swear I saw the colour drain from her face. I'm too nice for my own good sometimes.


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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