23: Control Freak

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[23: Control Freak]


"Alright, come on! Move out!" I encouraged Harry towards the hotel entrance as he pouted trying to prevent himself from going any further. He was like a child, honestly. But I liked that he wasn't a tight ass all the time.

"But I don't wanna!" He pushed his hands flat on the front door as I sighed and stepped back, hands perched on my hips. "How am I supposed to fight for you if you won't let me?"

"I said you had to work for me. Fighting wasn't apart of the deal." He turned and his fingers flicked the lock on the door.

"Well sometimes I have to fight against you to get you." That made absolutely no sense.

"You know I can't go. I haven't planned it out and it's so sudden." I justified.

"Please!" He begged falling to his knees and tugging at my legs. "Pretty please! Please Madeline!" His begging was ridiculously cute.

"What would I say to Trish? And Brandon?"

"I'll take care of that." He smiled thinking he was a step closer to victory.

"And what about the boys? The paps?" I've never been one to stir drama in the celebrity world and I don't want to start now.

"They won't mind. And who cares about the paparazzi?" I raised an eyebrow and shook my head as I stepped away to pick up my phone from the couch. Well, tried to anyway. "Madeline! Please come watch our interview backstage!"

Harry took me in a surprise hold from behind.

"Harry!" I yelled as we both tumbled over the couch and onto the floor. This wasn't the first time we had fallen off a couch together. But it was the first time he had caught my fall while in the process.

My back was pressed to his chest as he groaned underneath me.

"Are you ok?" I whispered as his arms fall limp to his sides.

"Yeah." Looking back, he weakly smiled up at me. "I like this though." And by this, he meant our contact. The fact that I was sitting on him is something he liked.

He was truly as bad as Niall when given the opportunity.

So I got up and plonked onto the couch as he caught his breath, staring up at me from the ground.

"Please?" He tried again. Pulling out my phone, I emitted a quiet sigh and opened up my private Instagram messages.

Me: guess who's coming to watch your interview tonight?

"That's it. Last resort." Looking up, Harry flopped across my lap as I groaned this time.

"Bastard." I breathed as he smiled up at me, bending his knees and waving his legs in the air like a small child.

Maybe Harry was a child. Secretly of course. His voice and looks just make him seem like he's 25.

"Alright I'll come!" Harry gasped with a wide grin. "On one condition."

He sat back next to me and nodded eagerly.

"You buy dinner." His eyebrows wiggled as he creepily smirked.

"Like a date?" I shoved him off the couch again, laughing and shaking my head while hearing a vibration.



Stepping out of the car door and putting my hands into my dark green utility pant pockets, I followed Harry around to the back entrance door.

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