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A/n: thanks everyone for the 400++read. It's not really many if compare to others but I'm happy ~ but I would be happier if you guys could comment more frequently :)

Specially thanks to RinaYumi and @TF1004sy I couldn't tag you but I believe you'll read this eyy? ;)


Mingyu's POV

"Yoon! Our pizza came!! Come out to eat!" Jeonghan shouted.


"I'll go get her." I said and stood up from my seat.

Knock. Knock.

Although it's also my room but to be polite, I knocked on the room door.

"Yoon?" I called out.

Still silence.

"I'll come in now." I quietly opened the door and entered the room.

"Yoon?" I glanced into the bathroom beside me, no sign of her.

I walked towards our bunk bed and found her sleeping deeply on my bed.

She's sleeping on my bed.

Why is she sleeping

I guessed I won't be washing the bed sheet anymore.

I kneeled down beside her, she had her face facing me, still sleeping deeply.

"I hope there's me in your dream." I whispered.

I quietly closed the door behind me and entered the kitchen where the others where.

"Where's Yoon?" Wonwoo asked.

"Where is noona?" Dino asked with a mouthful of pizza.

"Quiet up. She's asleep."

"Owh." Hoshi nodded. "So I can eat up her pizza?" He said and had his hands moving towards Yoon's pizza.

"Get your hands off." Wonwoo hit Hoshi's hand and scoffed.

"Aren't I'm your hyung!" Hoshi clinged.

"We're the same age." Wonwoo pointed out.

"I'm still older than you by a month." Hoshi glared at Wonwoo.

"Whatever." Wonwoo rolled his eyes. "Just don't touch Yoon's pizza, h.y.u.n.g."

"Okie dokie." Hoshi walked away, leaving Yoon's pizza with Wonwoo.

"I'll keep this for her." Wonwoo took Yoon's pizza with him and walked away.

My eyes were following him.

"Here." Dk passed me a pizza. "Eat up."

I stopped staring at Wonwoo and went to eat my pizza.


Wonwoo's POV

I finished eating my pizza so I exited the kitchen with Yoon's pizza hawaii chicken in my hand.

Just saving it from those hungry dorks we got there.

I carried the pizza into my room, since it's the safe place for Yoon's pizza.

Mingyu told us Yoon was sleeping so I opened the door quietly.

And there she is.

Sleeping on Mingyu's bed.

Why is she sleeping on his bed?!

I furrowed my eyebrow at this scene.

Yoon suddenly turned around and her eyes shot open.

"OMG! Oppa you scared me!" She got up from Mingyu's bed and clasped her hand at her heart.

"Why are you sleeping on Mingyu's bed?" I asked, the question coming out from my mouth without myself noticing.

"Owh?" She realised and quickly stood up but carelessly hit her head at the upper part.

"OUCH." She cried out and kneeled down with her hand over her head.

I hurried put the pizza on my bed and went towards her. "Yah, are you okay?"

"It hurts!" She cried again.

I rested my hand at her back and the other hand rubbing her head. "You have to rub it to let the blood runs..."

"Ahh! Oppa, don't rub it so hard!" She put her hand on mine and said.

"Keurae, keurae..." I softly rubbed her head.

"Is it okay now?" After rubbing for a few minutes, I asked.

"Yeah..." she stood up. "Thanks Wonwoo oppa."

I smiled and turned to take her pizza that was lying on my bed. "Yours."

"Ah! My pizza!" She beamed happily and gladly took the pizza from me.

"Let's go out and eat." I said and dragged her wrist with my hand.

"Sure." She happily followed.


Yunhye's POV

When I came out from the room, everyone was looking at me and Wonwoo at the living room. Then I realised he's still holding my wrist.

Wonwoo awkwardly let go of my wrist and walked towards the kitchen.

I smiled awkwardly at the boys and went to join them in the living room.

"Our sleeping beauty awake~" Hoshi plupped down beside me and grinned.

"Noona, Hoshi hyung only wants your pizza." Dino came to me and pouted cutely.

"Yah maknae!" Hoshi flicked Dino's forehead and he cried out.

"Oppa! Don't treat little Dino like this." I covered Dino from Hoshi's treat.

"It's not like I'm gonna kill him or what." Hoshi rolled his eyes.

I ignored them and opened my pizza. Both Hoshi and Dino laid their eyes on it.

"Yah you two," I covered the pizza's lid back. "Didn't you guys just ate?"

"I just get to eat one and a half." Dino pouted. "All the hyungs ate so many."

"I just ate two." Hoshi pouted.

I rolled my eyes and we ended up sharing the pizza. I got to eat two and I left the others to the boys.

"Kids," S.coups yelled. "Everyone gather up."

Dino and Hoshi both grab the pizza with them and gathered at the center of the living room.

"So, tomorrow we will be meeting EXO sunbae. Have a goodnight sleep today and behave yourself tomorrow. Araseo?"


So it's tomorrow.


A/n: finally after what feels like forever ~ EXO is coming up :) I feel like writing ot12 :'( should I?

Just tell me if you wish me to write ot12, to be honest, I don't really think ot9 is the best EXO.

I miss ot12.

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