Ice Cream

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Me: Mom can I have some ice cream?
Mom: No, honey, you don't need ice cream.
Me: *blinks*
Me: *pointed look toward the lower areas*
Mom: *widens eyes*
Mom: *magically produces two tubs of chocolate ice cream with extra chocolate*
Mom: Let's do this.

*insert Final Countdown music here*

A/N: Many of you have probably read my message to my followers but I'm going to take this opportunity to dedicate this chapter of my book to Alan Rickman, who passed away today.

My heart is literally broken. I loved Alan Rickman he was such a good guy. He should have been around a lot longer. Bless him for struggling with Cancer. Bless him for doing a beautiful job playing the role of Severus Snape. I hope wherever he is now...he's happy.

I seriously don't think people understand how sad I am. And I don't want to hear it that I'm overreacting. The only thing that actually got me through Snape's death in Harry Potter was my constant saying: "The actor is still alive."

I can't say that anymore. This is literally painful for me. I hope everyone out here reading this--Alan Rickman lover or not--can at least acknowledge the fact that he was an amazing actor and great person.

So this is my tribute to Alan Rickman. He was basically one of my favorite people on the Harry Potter cast. I'm always going to appreciate him.

Rest in Peace Alan ❤️

Book_lover740 lhf928 alyssa_coyle tinyturtle123 (aka the list of people who sobbed with me today)

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