Chapter 1

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3 years before

Emily's P.O.V

"Ems! Did you hear?" My best friend Sage Adams yelled running up the stairs to my room.

I was sitting on my bed slipping on my boots as she all but pounced on me from the door knocking me down on the bed. we giggled like little school girls before I stood up.

Sage Adams has been my best friend since we were in diapers. Our moms being best friends themselves, all but ensured our own friendship. Sage was a little taller than me and had a body that made all the guys sit up and take notice. She had dark brown hair that never seemed to be messed up, not even when she first woke in the mornings. Witch. It matched her chocolate brown eyes perfectly. She had high elegant cheek bones and full pouty lips. She always dressed appropriately trying to be as classy as possible. She wasn't like most girl in our pack, who was always landing in bed with the next available male.

"Heard what sage?" I walked over to my vanity table and snatched up my silver paw print ear rings and fastened them in each ear and placed the matching neck less around my neck.

"All the packs that are meant to be here have shown up. Your father is fixing to call the meeting." She stood and twirled around my room giggling. "And Sasha has been going insane! I know I will meet my mate tonight."

Sasha was her wolf. When she came out, sage seemed to take on an Alpha female personality. Of course when Sasha came out Sage turned into a wolf.

"Really?" I asked arching an eyebrow.

She laughed again and nodded enthusiastically. "What about you? Has Tessa been bugging you?"

Tessa was my wolf. She was always nice and would always talk to me when I reached for her. But I shook my head slowly. "No, I mean she's been pacing a lot and hasn't spoke to me in a few days but it's not like she is trying to pounce on me growling 'mate!' She's just being Tessa." I reasoned

Before she could question me further my bedroom door swung open again and my mother walked in, elegant as ever in her knee length yellow dress that had a tight waist and a flowing skirt, matching heals and her platinum blond hair pulled up in a high pony tail as per her normal do. Her blue eyes that weren't nothing like  my own, sparkled with humor and intelligence. Being the Alpha's mate, my mother as held herself to a high standard and would never disrespect my father by showing off her body to other males or acting in any inappropriate way. She was the model Luna.

"There you are darling!" She chirped as she entered my room. "The last pack should arrive any moment now and your father wants you down there when he calls this meeting."

I arched an eye brow at her. "Sage just said the packs that were invited have already shown."

Mom nodded. "Well it seems that there is a new, smaller, pack that has moved close to our area and your father extended an invitation out to them to join our meeting. He intends to ask if they would like to join our treaty we have with the other two packs."

I nodded. "Okay mom. We will be down in just a few moments, K?"

She smiled brightly and left my room.

"Another pack? A pack normal doesn't move unless..." Sages eyes went wide.

I held a hand up. "Don't. we don't know why they moved and we aren't going to start with 20 questions. Let's just finish getting ready and head down stairs and enjoy the party after the meeting. And if you do meet your mate tonight I want to be the first to meet him."

Change of subject back to her made Sage light up. She jumped up and down all around my room as we finished getting ready.

Sage wore a deep blue dress with a flowing skirt like my mothers, and black heals to match. Her hair was flowing around her shoulders and her make up down simply.

I, on the other hand wore tight jeans and a purple button down with the sleeves rolled up. My hair was straightened and make was natural shades.

When we finished getting ready we headed down the stairs taking a sharp left into the living room. We walked to the back of the living room and pushed open the door to the large room my father had built on to the house that he used for meetings and gatherings. As soon as the door opened, Tessa's pacing became restless. She started whining and I had no idea why since she wouldn't talk to me.

I pushed through the crowd and came to a standstill when I saw my father talking to six other men. I turned my head and closed my eyes as I caught the sent or morning rain and fall leaves. I was aware of eyes on me as I stood a few feet from my father and the other men.

One of them, who was around 6'3, tan, shaggy black hair, a thick build and had a tattoo that wrapped around his neck and ran down his arm, turned and sniffed the air growling low and deep as everyone watched on.

Tessa perked up and whined when his piercing blue eyes landed on me. He was gorgeous. While everyone watched us he inhaled deeply again and smirked.


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