Chapter 23

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Emily's P.O.V

It's been an hour since I dropped the news in everyone's lap. We all are currently sitting in my father office and my father is still staring at Damon like he just told him we all weren't really werewolves and it's just a dream he's been in. Disbelief is the look in my father's eyes.

"Daddy!" I yell at him.

He looks to my blinking rapidly. "Yes?"

I roll my eyes. "Look I understand all of this is kind of crazy and A LOT to take in. Believe me, I had the freaking Moon Goddess in my room last night who told me she's really my mother, and that my mate is really the Alpha King. But come on, stop gawking at him and lets figure everything out. We still need to plan a mating ceremony where Damon and I make the official announcement of our mating, which we plan on telling everyone about who Damon really is."

My father just nods his head and pulls out some papers. "Right. I guess we need to start making calls to all the packs and invite them." He pauses. "By the way, where is the kingdom?"

Damon shrugs. "I don't know. It changes with each King. Your Mag said that once I came into my power then it will reveal itself to me."

My dad sighs and begins to make calls. We plan to keep it under wraps until the ceremony. There's a knock on the door and Drake pokes his head in. "Damon?"

Damon stands and walks out into the hall with him. I catch moms eye and I shrug a shoulder at her. I look over a map my father had pulled out that held the territory boundaries of the last Alpha Kings home. I was wondering where mine and Damon's home would be.

Home. Tessa sighs.

Yes home. With our mate and daughter. I answer her giving her a mental smile.

Not to mention the pups we will have with our mate. How many do you think he would want? Tessa asks dreamily.

I don't know. But don't you think it's a bit soon to be thinking about pups? I mean we just got him back, I don't want to freak him out.

Freak him out? Honey, he wants to be a father to our Crystal. And plus I have been listening to Ethan. They want pups. It won't freak Damon out. Just talk to him.

I just nod and continue to look over the map. The door opens again and Damon reenters with Drake behind him.

"Do you think now would be a good time to bring up changing Crystal's name?" Damon whispers in my ear, sending a slight shiver down my spine as he sits back down beside me.

"If you want to. We need to spend some time with her anyway." I look over at him and he gives me a small smile before kissing me softly.

"Why don't we take her somewhere?"

"Hmm. We can always take her out for ice-cream. Maybe go and buy her a dress for our ceremony?"

He kisses my cheek. "Sounds like a plan sweetie."

"What are you two love birds whispering and giggling about over there?" My mother pipes up from her seat next to my father, which causes my dad to look up at us.

I give Damon a look and he shrugs his shoulders. Turning back to my parents I decide to let them in on our plan.

"We were thinking about asking Crystal what she would think of Damon as her father and changing her last name."

Tears spring to my mother's eyes as she jumps up and runs over to us wrapping both of us in her arms. "I think she would love it sweetheart." She pulls back and looks at Damon. "Are you sure about this? Like I told Emily, taking care of a child is a lot of responsibility. If you get tired of it you just can't go and drop her off somewhere."

Damon gives her his heart stopping smile. "Mrs. Evans, Crystal may not be my blood daughter, and hell I don't know the first thing about being a good father. But I know I would do anything for that little angel and to keep her safe. The short time I spent with her while Emily was... anyway, the time I spent with her made see what having a family could be like. I know Emily loves her to death and I won't come between her and her baby." He then turns to me. "Baby, do you mind if I spoke to your father, alone?"

I nod, giving him a curious look. "I'll take mom with me to get Crystal ready."

"Okay. I'll come find you when I am through here." He leans over and kisses my cheek gently, and whispers. "I love you."

I whisper my agreement back and follow my mother out of my father's office and outside to search down my little fire ball.

"What do you think he would want to talk to dad about?" I ask my mother as we reach the playground.

"I don't know sweetie. But I would not worry over it. It's probably just some business about treaties and territories." She smiles at me as we spot a head full of bouncy blond curls.

"Mommy! Gamma!" Her pronunciations were still a bit off.

"Baby girl. Come here." I kneel down holding my arms out for her. She wastes no time to jump into them. I spin her around a few times and just soak in her giggles.

I sit on the grass with my mother as Crystal runs off to play for a few more minutes before I take her in to change. I try to ask Tessa if Ethan has said anything to her about why Damon wants to talk to my father, she told me he just closed her off. Fear was trickling in my veins, it was making me worry.


Damon's P.O.V

I walk out of Jacques office later than I had anticipated. Business had taken awhile, but we had also taken care of more than one matter while we had a chance. It was early in the evening and dinner had done been served, so I was wondering where my lovely mate and daughter were. I search everywhere from outside to the whole down stairs. I finally make my way up to our room starting to feel worried. She wasn't answer my mind links, and Ethan says that Tessa isn't answering him.

When I make it to our room, the sight that greats me has my heart pulsating like mad in my chest. Emily is curled up in the middle of the bed wrapped around a tiny Crystal. Both of my girls are fast asleep and dressed. Then I remember I was supposed to take them both out today.

We are so in the dog house. Ethan whimpers.

I know. But I will make it up to them. You still have to deal with Tessa.

ME? You're the asshole who thought pack business was more important. I had to block Tessa out just so she wouldn't know what you were planning. So no, YOU have to deal with both of them. Ethan growls and blocks me out.

"She tried hard to stay up, but I saw how tired she has been all day. I told her to take a small nap." A small voice comes from behind me. I know who it is.

"I really didn't mean to keep her waiting. Things kind of dragged out." I rub a hand down my face.

"I know how my husband can get when it comes to the pack. There's been many nights were I had to go to bed alone. Was I okay with it? Not all the time. Did I make him make up for it? You can bet your ass I did. And if my daughter is anything like me, she'll have you making up for it before tomorrow night at your ceremony." She looks at me. "But for what you have planned, I am sure it will more than make up for it." She winks at me then heads into the room and gently lifts Crystal out of the bed.

"Ill get her to bed, get to work on my grandbabies." She giggles as she leaves the room. I groan at the awkwardness and close the door.

I walk over to where my beauty is sleeping. I reach for my t-shirt at the end of the bed. After helping her out of her dress and bra I slip the shirt over her shoulders. I then cover her up and place a gentle kiss on her forehead. She whimpers and curls closer to my side of then bed.

I walk into the closet and quickly change into some sleeping shorts before I crawl in next to her. I pull her close to me and kiss her perfect lips.

"Good night my love. I am sorry I kept you waiting. Hopefully tomorrow will more than make up for it." I held her tightly to me and pray that everything goes right tomorrow night.

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